Thursday, March 08, 2007

Support your local bloggers!

Years ago, I used to read websites. That was back before anyone called them "blogs". Websites were basically blogs, but they had pages you could scroll through, and usually more pictures than blogs. I read, and still read, some of these, but I rarely, if ever, left them a comment.

Some of the websites I used to look at call themselves blogs now, and I still read, but I'm not in the cool crowd so I don't say anything.

The first blog I read was M's. I love her. On bagels. She was a friend before I started reading. She made me decide to start writing.

I read a lot of blogs every day, but I find myself purposely staying away from the "Big" bloggers. The ones who everyone knows and the ones that everyone reads. Not that they aren't awesome, because they are. They are great writers and everyone loves them and they get fifty million comments. They write their blogs for a living and they do really well and they are on the Today Show jesting with Al Roker. (Who, by the way, should not be on those "Did you know?" commercials with the shooting star and the rainbow talking all about healthy eating because he totally did not eat healthfully before having gastric bypass surgery. But I digress.)

Those reasons? Are exactly why I don't read any of the bloggers that everyone reads.

Because, really? I've found so many amazing blogs that aren't famous and don't get a million comments. I've found so many blogs that when I read them, I think, "I like this person. I wish I knew her in real life so we could kick it old-school." Or whatever.

I've seen a lot of blogs that are good blogs: funny, informative, and thought provoking. And the author just up and quits blogging because they never get any comments. I can imagine they wonder what the point is.

I also try really hard to find bloggers in my area. I found one person who blogs who lives in my city and I don't really read her blog, because it's a very specialized one. It's not bad, but I like blogs that are about someone's day to day life, you know? I like to write about the mundane things that happen to me because the mundane can be very entertaining.

But my other Tennessee girls? I love them. I love their blogs. I love to see what's going on in their part of the state. I love to see what's going on in their lives. I love their stories. My girls and boys outside of Tennessee? I love them too. I love the interaction we have, the sense of community we share, and how if one of us is hurting, the others rally around them and do what they can to help. I love that, and I think that's what blogging is really about. Or should be.

I'll never be famous for my blog and most of the bloggers I love never will be either. But that's okay. Sometimes it's really cool to be the little guy. And it's even cooler when you can help a little guy out in their time of need.

So support your local bloggers! And make America, or whatever country you live in, a better place! Or something.


Alpha Dude said...

But ARE one of the cool kids. I really enjoy reading your blog. It is so good on so many levels.

This was/is a great post. I could almost hear "America the Beautiful" playing in the background.

Rosie said...

Support the little guys! I agree with you, there are many of us just talking about our mundane laundry and dishes, however, sometimes we have great insight! Not sure into what however!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Ok first of all..AMEN!

But uh..2ndly your blog could totally make you famous because your writing is that good.

Also, I wouldn't mind becoming famous for my blog. Ya know having say The Chicago Reader (this little newspaper in town) contacting me and saying "We love what you a monthly column for us" I totally would.

Especially if it meant being able to work part time and stay home with Casey part time.

Getting paid a decent amount to write? Getting some of my stories published?

Would you still love me if I was famous???? Cuz if you say no...I'll give it all up and only blog about what color socks I wear every day, which is gonna be really boring cuz I wear black like 5 out of 7 days.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm Canadian...can I still hang out here, please? ~bats eyelashes coyly~

You competely captured my exact feelings, by the way. Kind of eerie, actually. I've discovered some fabulous blogs, but I don't like being one of the fifty comments left on a post. I like to think I might say something unique and memorable, and not just be echoing everyone else.

Ditto to what Angie said, by the way. =P

HeatherAnn Fragglehead said...

I think your blog could be totally famous one day. Because, see, twins, Ginger, and Jason provide a wealth of entertaining stories. So I am hereby swearing to pimp your blog in all the ways I know of.

But then you're not allowed to forget about me and my little blog. :)

Emma in Canada said...

I totally agree with you on this one. I'm quite happy with my regular commentors, though I am always thrilled to see a new person comment and discover a new blog.

Oh, and you could completely be on the level of say Dooce or Rockstar Mommy, look at how many readers you have after such a short time.

frannie said...

dude!- you are so one of the cool kids. We all want to be just like you! Please remember all your little peeps when you gets famous!

my4kids said...

I agree with you. I like the little blogs better and don't like to be one of 50 commentors. I like it when the number is low enough that you can respond to peoples comments also if you want.
Also I think you are one of the cool kids to.

Ashley said...

I really would like to find some local blogs other tha you and silly hily - I love y'all to pieces but I know there has to be some other local blogs out there. Right? We should totally ban together and have like bogher memphis!

Anonymous said...

It's very nice to meet you - what a powerful post - consider yourself linked!

Amy W said...

Amen! I don't like to read the big ones either, for one I just feel connected. Or that they have a different purpose, who knows. I like yours and all the ones on your blogroll, they all rock. I wish I knew more local bloggers, but I have only found one. Gah.

Unknown said...

I agree about reading the BIG blogs. I really don't usually. But then again, I see how many comments you tend to generate and I sort of think of you as one of the BIG blogs...hehe. And I really do prefer reading mundane details of people's lives, to something specialized, or even...gasp...intellectual.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hi, I'm Peppylady and I'm one those partiers from 5 minute with mom.

The only thing I know is that I like blogging and reading other bloggs.
They to me seem to have a more personal touch.

My blogg is always open

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you (although I do love to read Dooce, specifically for her monthly letters to her daughter which I blatantly ripped off...) I love to read the mundane things about people I don't know. To me, a blog is like a diary and getting to read people's most personal thoughts, their struggles, the cute things their kids do, it's so much better than most TV programming!

Denise said...

The big blogs get on my nerves, maybe because I am jealous?? I love to write, and would love to be big and famous. But since I am a rebel I dont do the big blogs. The more popular that they are, the less likely I am going to be reading them.

Shanilie said...

I'm the same way. I love my faithful blogger friends. I blogged for months and never had any comments even for family who my blog was going to be for in the first place! Anyway, I love blogging for me. but I really do enjoy 'meeting' new people and having new people pop by my blog. But I am content either way. I love to blog...but I don't think I am that great of a writer and my life isn't that interesting so I am sure I will never be the most popular blog lol.

Em said...

I read mostly the non-famous bloggers, as well. I love the peeks into their lives and thoughts...and love the humor they put into their sharing. And when I leave a comment, I know they read it. Those blogs with 394 comments on every can they read that????

Real Life in South Carolina said...

I like your philosophy on blog reading...but you seem pretty popular to me and I'm not planning on not quittin' you! :)

Bethany said...

Yup, you are totally going to be famous- you're damn good.

Will I still be your secret girlfriend when your book is published?

SJINCO said...

I have a good mix of blogs on my blogroll, some big, some not...but yeah, I totally agree with what you are saying. And I think that you are totally one of the cool kids, and could very well be famous one day - you don't give yourself nearly enough credit for your writing talent.

Jocelyn said...

I'm wid ya.

This blogging thing is such an interesting's kind of a self-created subculture...and self-selecting in so many ways.

Btw, you can throw in those Al Roker-typed digressions anytime. I yuv them.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I agree with you! I loves me my Tennessee bloggers (and other places) too!!

heiresschild said...

chick, your blog is right up there with the best of 'em.

EE said...

24're a BIG dog!!!
LOL...well said!!

Angie said...

Found your blog through a friend who found you on the 5 Minutes for Mom ring.

She's right. . . you've got a great blog! You also have a fun, wicked sense of humor. We "Yankee transplants" that find ourselves in TN have to keep it real.

(I'm in Knoxville by the way)

Glad to find you by way of my Chicago friend!

Patiently waiting said...

I have two "Big" bloggers that I read daily, but don't normally comment on. Some of the blogs I enjoy reading most I stumbled upon by accident. I love your blog; I'm so glad I found it.

just me said...

You seem pretty famous to me! I like average 3 commemts to your 30?! lol

Love reading your blog for sure!

Mel said...

Definitely a popular kid...but I love it because I get to hang out with you. I agree with what you are saying. I'd much rather check out pix and read about things that I can relate to than other stuff. I met you through the blog party and really enjoyed checking out all the little people. Blog on!

Brandie said...

Hello .. I'm here through the ultimate blog party.
From your post, I would say if you aren't a cool kid, then you deserve to be one. And my guess is, since you have so many comments here, you are a cool kid to lots of people - not the whole world.
I too like to go and read lots of blogs and leave lots of comments! I try to leave a few comments all over the place each day just to say hi. =)

~ej said...

i love reading blogs, i don't always leave comments on the ones with with dozens of replies (okay, i am on yours cos you made me laugh). i also leave comments all over, i hate seeing posts (esp the great ones) with NO replies....

found my way here via my4kids (who i found via peppermint tea, who i found via chrisB...see i'm one of those chicks, hehe) :)

and i love your background clouds.

Jen said...

Okay, hopefully, you get your comments e-mailed to you, because I'm leaving this on one of your older posts.

I lurk on your blog, and this is my first time commenting, but you are one of my most favorite blogs!! I am not a Tennesee girl...but I've never been on the Today show...and I would freakin' love it if we could be blog friends! :)