Wednesday, September 05, 2007

And I'm on the PTO board!

Boy Child came home with a note from his teacher which said the class needed certain things to be donated. Among them were water bottles with the caps attached, men's plain white t-shirts with no pockets, and magazines.

Since I'm an Environmental Specialist, I can't be trusted to recycle appropriately and don't keep water bottles. Jason has some plain white t-shirts, but he wears them until they have no underarms. That left magazines, and again since I can't be trusted to recycle, I have lots.

So I said to Boy Child, "Get some magazines there and take them to your class."

He was very pleased.

So, okay, I wasn't actually paying attention to what he was taking. I was doing important, life-altering stuff like talking on the phone to my sister and eating a pretzel.

You know where this is going right?

Boy Child brings home a note from his teacher.

Which says, "Thank you very much for the the magazines. It was very thoughtful of you to contribute to our class. However, we don't think Rolling Stone is appropriate for the fourth grade."

I think he took the extra special "We're all slutty bitches issue" too.



Angie said...

I have to admit, that I didn't know where it was going . . so I laughed out loud.

Only you, chick. Only you.

AnnieM said...

Could have been Hustler. Things could always be worse but thank god they're not!

I love that boy child.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word Chick. LMAO. Just LMAO.

SJINCO said...

Oh that's great! Totally funny!

julie said...

Haha. I don't know. It certainly could have been worse!

Denise said...

Thank goodness it was spank me magazine or something snort.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh dear. Smiling and wincing at the same time over here.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see where that was going either. You crack me up.

Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't Penthouse or something.

I totally didn't see where this was going. Which made it all the more funny :)

Dreamer said...

it could've been worse, right? hahaha

Emma in Canada said...

I don't know what's so bad about Rolling Stone. Better than letting everyone know you read the Enquirer or something.

frannie said...


I think all 4th graders should read Rolling Stone

Em said...

LMAO...even Rolling Stone should be recycled rather than trashed!

Mrs. Booms said...

I love it! Don't they just give us the best "special" little gifts?

Anonymous said...

Huh. I'm writing this down in my "things to know when Little Man is older" book so I don't make the same mistake.

Seriously? you could write a parenting book. "Chapter 33: Fourth Graders shouldn't read about bitches, ho's and sluts."

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I was thinking Playboy, so Rolling Stone seems fine to me.

Maybe that's why I am NOT on the PTO.

Julie said...

That is too damn funny!

my4kids said...

Aww whats wrong with Rolling Stone? hehe

Could have been worse.

Mommyca said...

That's too funny! But really it could have been worse;O)

EE said...

No he didn't...teehee!

Kelly said...

It could have been Playboy. Maybe you should get a subscription to National Geographic so you can send those and look all "learned."