Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Him? Not so much.

My secret lovah M has this really nice husband who sends her nice emails.

My husband?

He called me today and said, "Can I ask you a quick question?"

I said, "Shoot."

He said, "Okay, so if someone comes in and I interview them and they happen to MENTION that they have a child that's fifteen months old, can I ask them if they have childcare?"

Me, "Um, no."

Him, "Okay."

Me, "Jason, did you ask the person that?"

Him, "No. But I called you to see if I COULD. And if I COULD I was going to call her back and ask her."

Me, "Jason, are you SURE you didn't ask her?"

Him, insulted, "No! I didn't ask her!"

Me, with patience, "Sweetheart? Remember that time you asked that woman you were interviewing what church she went to?"

Him, "She was wearing a crucifix! It was a totally fair question!"

Me, "Um. Not really."

Him, "Okay! I love you! Bye!"


He really needs a good management course. I don't have time to train him.


M said...

Dear Not So Secret Lover,

NORMALLY? My husband is not so sweet. This is probably the first time in the last 6 years such sweetness has occurred without my demand.

As for your mantacular? Point him to monster or something. I am SURE they have a list of questions you can and cannot ask. No need to have him get his booty in big trouble asking crazy no no questions (though really...there aren't that many! Nothing age, religion, politics, kid related about covers it!)

Love, Your Not So Secret Lovah Who Wants to Move to You but You People keep High Temps and I'm Not Down With That. Yo. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Men are so dumb sometimes. I hope you have good liability, cause while I'm sure virtually all people would be okay with being asked those questions, you could run into that ONE who would call the MDA, ADA, NRA, BBB, oh, and her lawyer on you. Glad to know you're the woman behind (in front of??) the man, too!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I don't know what has me giggling more, your post, or M's comment!

PinkCat said...

Bless his cotton socks.


Take care xx

Amy W said...

You know he totally asked her...:)

Anonymous said...

He so asked her. Men. Pfft :)

frannie said...

he probably asked her anyway

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, he totally asked her...hahaha.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

LOL. Now that's an HR nightmare right there.....

CPA Mom said...

Ok, I have been in accounting and HR for years now. I've taken many, many courses on how to do an interview and forced anyone who worked with me to take them as well. Jason, while he means well, is a huge lawsuit waiting to happen in this day and age. Seriously, call up your local ADP or Paychex and find out when they are having their next interview class. Wowsa.

Angie said...

Hee. What a cutie pie. I love that he called you and asked.

Unknown said...

If you guys moved to a smaller town, you know that he could get away with that. Out here in these back should hear the questions they try to get away with.

Kelly said...

ahaha too funny..I'm sure he asked her...

dennis said...

So, one cannot question the religious perception of possible cultists--I mean future employees?

I guess sexual orientation, politics and Family status are also out?

HeatherAnn Fragglehead said...

Your poor husband. No clue as far as this sort of thing goes, eh?

To be fair to him, though, I've been taught not to bring up marital status or parental status when I go for an interview.

P.S. He totally asked her.

EE said...

I love that Jason is totally not pc!
You guys have such a fun relationship!

my4kids said...

I agree with the others I bet he asked her! Why else would he ask that question to you after the interview?