Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's a good thing he's cute.

My beloved left me a little note on my placemat at the table, so I would find it this morning.

Before you go thinking, "Awww!" or anything, it was a grocery list.

I don't mind that he was helping me write the grocery list. Really, I don't. I didn't even mind when he said on Sunday night, "So are you going to the grocery store tomorrow?"

The before-therapy me would have said, "Go to grocery store yourself!". Possibly, the f-word might have been used as well.

The new, improved me said, "No. I can't. Tomorrow I have to be at work at 7am. I then have to work all day with no possibility of even having lunch, run up a really steep hill and get to my car, drive for forty-five minutes to pick up the children and then race over to the church for Girl Scouts, which I will not be done with until 7:30pm. Then, I have to make dinner and help the children with homework. At some point, I'll likely have to use the restroom. So, no. I don't believe I can fit the grocery store anywhere into that equation."

He blinked a few times and then said, "Well, can you go Tuesday?"

And I said, "Okay then."

Because, yeah. I work a lot and I have a lot of crap to do. Last week I worked fifty-one hours. But he worked seventy, and he gets big old bonuses.

Plus, he's pretty much banned from going to the grocery store. He is not good at going to the grocery store. I say, "Jason, please get a gallon of milk" and he comes home with $200 worth of chips and cookies because, "They were on sale!" and I have to patiently explain that just because an item has a yellow tag on it, DOES NOT MEAN IT'S A GOOD VALUE.

It's an ongoing issue.

Anyway. His list.

*Water (6 or 7)
*Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder
*Camel lights, hard pack
*Tube-o-lays x 1
*Paper towels
*Ice cream
*Gillette sensor excel

Then he wrote at the bottom:
Probably want to review as I feel as though I've left things off.

Really? I mean, I noticed that he was careful to list numerous products, including their brands (which, hello, I've known him for eight years, I think by now I've figured out what brand of razors he's using), but I do notice that he left off many, somewhat important things.

Like, oh, FOOD.

Boys! Gah!



And the baby powder? Well, he gets sweaty. That's all I'm sayin'.


frannie said...

oh dear lord!

that is crazy!

how does he even get himself dressed in the morning???

PinkCat said...

Oh Chick

That made me wet my knickers! Way too funny.

Typical Man!! LOL

Have a great day sweetie xx

Bethany said...

I'm afraid to ask (and quite possibly an idiot for asking) but what is "tube-o-lays x 1"?

Anonymous said...

I'm with bethany. What's tube o lays? Your hub should certainly be banned from the store if that would be his list. Cause, I just don't know if the kids would appreciate you serving them razors for dinner.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I need to ask... Why does a grown man need baby powder? Because maybe I need to get Sweetie Pie to start using some so he can be as cool as Jason.

Denise said...

Lmao!! My Mr he is a metro sexual and shops. I write the list though. He will get everything on the list and call me a billion times in between. Cant I just get caffeine free diet coke instead of diet black cherry pepsi? It's on sale. Me NO!!

Mrs. Booms said...

Yeah, I'm so not jealous, but because I'm a kind and loving person with a tiny little dark heart I thought I should try to make you jealous... Although I'm sure you're not.

My husband always makes the entire list, does the shopping, I tag along just to increase my domestic credibility and he makes dinner almost every night. I make like one meal a weekend.

1) because he is most awesome and gets home before I do...
2) He's a kick ass cook, not that I'm not, but he is the bestest ever...
3) I just suck like that, or no, correct that. I rear the children.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

LOL> That's why I do the grocery shopping and let GH watch the kids :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Neil uses baby powder too. I've never been able to use it on my babies. It just seems wrong.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy uses Gold Bond :)

Men. Pfft.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

LMFAO!!!! What the hell would that man do without you?

Amy W said...

Let me just say, powder is the cure all for boob sweat. Seriously.

Julie said...

Thanks for the update - I was wondering what the tube-o-lays was!

AmyBow said...

I actually enjoy grocery shopping. And my Hoos hates it, which is a good thing, because like your husband, he is bad at it. In college, he did all his grocery shopping at CVS. We ate a lot of ramen and PB&J...

Angie said...

I was so hoping that alpha dude was going to weigh in with a comment. Sigh. Maybe later today. . . ?

Unknown said...

Well, Chick, I respectfully disagree. Seriously, Tube-of-Lays, ice cream, and milk all qualify as food around here. HAHA.
No, actually, my hubby does a lot of our shopping and I will quietly accept anything he brings home as long as I do NOT have to go to the grocery store.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Too funny! I can't let Prince do any big shopping as my poor beloved has no budget brain cells at all

Mich said...

Oh my!! That is FUNNY (because it wasn't my husband). Holy crap. My husband handed me his watch and wanted me to mail it for him. You know, 'cause I'm good at things like that.

I think all men are the same at the grocery store....all that end-cap advertising and impulse purchase items must be geared to them!!

Edie said...

Ever thought of grocery shopping online? I do that when I have absolutely no time to go shopping. You can just order your food online and drive up to the store and they'll put it in your car!

Mrs. Booms said...

I gave you an award...

1) because you already got the same award, but you should know we really mean it.

2) your other 8 gazillion awards over there looked lonely and needed the company.

dennis said...

well, he was trying to minimize the beard burn issues!

Real Life in South Carolina said...

I was going to nominate you for the Nice Matters Award, but see you already got it. See? Your comments on Britney weren't all that mean! :) Anyway, I mentioned you anyway...

As for the Tube-O-Lays? Made out of cardboard. Your hubby should switch to Pringles...and I'm not just saying that because my husband sells them or anything...nope...not biased at all.

Anonymous said...

:) LMAO.

And thanks for not filling in the blanks with the baby powder. 'Nuff left to the imagination as it is.

my4kids said...

The hubby is the better shopper here! I'm the one caught by the "sales" and crap we don't need but look good at the moment. Maybe if I wasn't hungry when I went shopping I'd do better but the hubs likes to tell me its just not a good idea for me to do it unless we really need me to go.