Saturday, September 22, 2007

Righteous Indignation, coming right up!

Sometimes when I watch or read the news, I get irritated and annoyed. Like whenever I hear anything about Britney Spears? I feel my teeth begin to itch.

But this story? Oh my sweet Lord.

Lawsuit Over In-Vitro Twins

"An Australian woman who gave birth to twins instead of a single baby after undergoing in-vitro fertilization has sued her doctor for the cost of bringing up the second child.

The woman, who cannot be identified because of a court order, is seeking $329,000 to cover the expense of raising one child until age 21.

Testifying in the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory on Tuesday, the 40-year-old mother said she told her doctor that she only wanted one child.

But an embryologist under the doctor's supervision implanted two embryos in her uterus, resulting in the birth of non-identical twin girls."

Holy Moses on a bicycle.

Are you people kidding me with this?

I spent the first ten minutes cursing at the computer. The second? I spent crying. The next ten minutes I devoted to brainstorming on just how I could raise $329,000 so I could offer it to this woman in exchange for the baby.

Because, you know what? I want the baby.

I want that little three year old child who is probably bright and beautiful and wonderful. I want to bring her to my little home and raise her. I want to snuggle with her at night and read books to her and take her to her first day of school. I want to take four hundred billion pictures of her and make her feel special and loved. And if one day she asked me why she wasn't living with her real birth mother I'd say, "YOUR BIRTH MOTHER JUST DID NOT TURN OUT."

When I was pregnant and found out it was twins, I was terrified. But it's never, ever been as hard as I was afraid it would be. Maybe I'm just lucky, I don't know. And yes, I've struggled. Good Lord, have I struggled. But one look at my children and I know it wasn't really a struggle at all because the reward? Worth way, way, WAY more than $329,000.

And you know what else? Does this woman not realize that she has a LIVING, BREATHING, EXISTING child? A child that someday will read this and KNOW that she was a "mistake"?

I mean, what the crap?

And what about people, like my own beautiful little sister, who LOSE one of their twins? What they wouldn't give to have this opportunity that this woman is COMPLAINING about.


I know, feelings are feelings and this woman is entitled to be upset.

And I? Am entitled to think she's a huge douchehole.


Anonymous said...

She wants money for private school fees, apparently.

Also? I feel bad for the kids, because while theoretically, they have anonymity, Australia does not have a VAST population. I doubt there are a lot of lesbian couples with three year old twin daughters in their area, which means that sooner or later, those girls are going to find out that mummy only wanted ONE of them...

Angie said...

Holy cow. It surely takes all kinds. These are the kind of stories that really "caused my teeth to itch," too, when we couldn't have another baby.

You gotta wonder. . . .

Denise said...

Your'e not the only one with their panties all in a wad about this. I have read several people's blogs where this is the topic of the day. People are soo outraged. What is this world coming to and what does it say about human beings when you sue your doctor because you only wanted one baby? I am with you, I would love on that baby till the cows came home. I would tell her how beautiful she was and cuddle her. Ok I am done.

Anonymous said...

People like her shouldn't have ONE child, let alone be blessed with two.

For the love of shoes. She sucks pud. Hard.

PinkCat said...

Some people just have nothing better to do.

How sad for that little girl.

Take care xx

Anonymous said...

You are totally justified in your indignation. That woman deserves to have both of those children taken away & given to someone who is praying for a child to adopt. Oh, and you know who is paying for that lawsuit? Everybody NOT filing suit against the doctor.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

This kind of stuff pisses me right off too. It's amazing what people will sue over these days. This woman is a disgusting human being....

Anonymous said...

Everyone is being so reserved.

I think we should go smack that bitch in the head and each take a twin.

Or I'll take both, if you just want to join me for the smacking.

As someone who would have long ago had IVF if we could afford it, I just die when I hear stories like this. I'm pissed and jealous and sad and like I said, just want to smack her!

frannie said...

this is utter bullsh*t. total bullsh*t.

both of her kids should be taken away from her.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You're not just entitled. You're right. Ugh.

J said...

That? That is sad. I wish for 329,000 dollars I could get pregnant with twins right now. Or even just one. One day that child will grow up and hate her mother for this all. Way to screw your kids for life, lady.

Chick? I love your blog.

Randi said...

Has she identified exactly which child is the "mistake"? How does she know?
I think it's obvious she's not fit to raise EITHER ONE.

I hope those kids find out just how many many people wanted them to come be part of a new family.

And PS "YOUR BIRTH MOTHER JUST DID NOT TURN OUT." is the most hilarious understatement of the year. Emphasis on hilarious.

Unknown said...

She IS a douchehole. A ginormous one, too. This really makes me feel sick.

Blue Tissue Box said...

I've read about this in another blog, and even after a day since my comment at that blog, I'm still feeling the same way.

It's disgusting. By being someone who needed IVF, she should realize how many other families are aching to have a child. So, if the cost outweighs the actual kickback of having a beautiful, healthy child, she should have let someone adopt whichever child it is that she is throwing a fit about.

But, because she didn't, I sincerely hope that she's bullshitting her way through court, just for the money. I'm hoping that she loves both of these children so much that she'd lie and cheat to provide them with a better life.

Is it the route I would take? No. But as all of you mothers out there know, there isn't much a woman wouldn't do for her child, to give them as much as she could.

After this is all said and done, those poor children are going to need a lifetime of therapy, maybe that's what they are planning on using the money for?

EE said...

What pisses me off, too, is the fact that the courts allow these law suits to actually occur.
We've got to get some laws changed!

Ry said...

That woman was also entitled to give her baby up for adoption. And didn't! This story bugs the heck out of me! Good post!

Anonymous said...

If I ever meet that woman, I would slap her....gah it makes me mad!

Amy W said...

My boss told me about the story...the boss who went through 7 cycles UNSUCCESSFULLY. And her point? Even if they put in one, it could have split into two...

Anonymous said...

I am so disgusted right now. I can't even think of anything to say.

Jocelyn said...

The courts have GOT to laugh this one out the doors...right? Right?

Emma in Canada said...

There's a case here, about a mother suing a doctor because the fetus didn't abort. Yeah. Imagine being that kid. That should really be a case where you say there's a reason this baby is here. But no, she's suing.

my4kids said...

That woman is a douchehole! I think that people are just sad sometimes...........sad examples of human beings that is who don't deserve their beautiful babies they were blessed with.

Real Life in South Carolina said...

No, she is not "entitled" to be upset. Surely she knew the risks to begin with. She could have given the baby up for adoption if she was that concerned about the costs. So yeah, I'm not feeling so bad for her.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

What a sad story. First of all, when you do in-vitro, your chances of actually getting pregnant increase the more embryos that are implanted and she had to know that going in.

Whether she wanted one or two kids, she got two. My youngest was not planned and I was very apprehensive about having another baby. i have been in love with that girl since the day she was born and even before.

Frivoulous lawsuit. Bet we will have one in the States real soon.

She is a huge douchebag!

Edie said...

douchehole doesn't even begin to describe my feelings for this woman...

She was stupid to do IVF anyway if she didn't want more than one child. That's just dumb.

Your feelings for wanting that child are very honorable. I know there are tons of people who feel the same way.

Unknown said...

I know I'm chiming in late on this, but I'm still irked by the story. As another who will need to go through IVF to even try to have a child, this story just makes my blood boil. Like the others have said - there was nothing stopping the couple from putting one of the girls up for adoption. While the clinic may have been in the wrong (more than one embryo implanted when client only requested one embryo to be transferred), the whole thing is just effing insane. Gah. Chick, if I had it, I'd help you raise those funds to get the girl away from her mothers. Those women don't deserve one child, let alone two.