Wednesday, October 31, 2007



I owe you guys a post about MGM.

Twifty-eleven people have been really nice and given me various awards and I haven't gotten them yet. Because you guys are awesome and I suck butt.

I have a stack of work on my desk about 11 feet high.

I am about six years behind in my blog reading.

I have two things that I REALLY NEED TO MAIL which I have not mailed.

I haven't updated my timesheet all week and I really want to, you know, get paid.

I DID finally get Boy Child a Halloween costume. Thank the Sweet Lord.

Gah! Does it ever get any easier? It's not even the Holiday season yet!


frannie said...

at least boychild won't have to go as "weird naked kid" for halloween!

Amy W said...

Really, don't get me started on this crazy time of year....

Anonymous said...

You'll survive with humor and too much eggnog. I'm sure of it.

Patiently waiting said...

Ugh, hope things settle down for you soon. Happy Halloween! :-)

Anonymous said...

Copious amounts of sherry;) are in order. Or something. Have fun and be safe!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Cross the non-essentials (i.e. us) of your list. You'll feel happier and lighter in no time. =)

Beckie said...

Have a great Halloween with Boy Child!

Angie said...

It's just good to have you back in the (our) state. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Mrs. Booms said...

My vote was for weird naked kid. I would go as weird naked mom, but then I'd be arrested.

Dreamer said...

have fun.

and if all else fails?

run around screaming "blah, blah blah!"

Denise said...

Thats the story of my life.

Edie said...

Welcome back from vacation! :) It takes about a week or so to unbury yourself from being gone for a week... it'll get back to normal... eventually. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Oh OH! I KNOW this one! No. It definitely doesn't get any easier. There. Glad I could help.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

Don't worry about catching up. We'll still be here when you're done :)

Denise said...

Hey Chica you know I meant no harm when I posted about you at my nlog right? I posted a reply back to you too. It's all good.

SJINCO said...

I'm right in line behind you on the so far behind rant....

Could time stand still for just a little while? PLEASE?