Thursday, October 11, 2007

They are the champions, my friends.

Guess who got their green belts tonight?

They are super Ninjas, with super mad Ninja skilz.

Also? Best friends.

I totally made them do this pose. They were laughing so hard they couldn't even look mad.

Also? This. Just cause.

And? Because the children are tasty. Like chicken.


BS said...

Congratulations !! You all ROCK big time. (Are you related to that guy in KISS?)I can't remember his name ...

Sabrina said...

That's so awesome! I remember when I took Judo. I was one of the only girls and my partner was only interested in looking down the front of my t-shirt. My how it's changed...not the front of my chest, but the sport... :)

It's so cool your kids are best buddies!

Unknown said...

Way to go Boy Child & Girl Child!!

Love the family portrait at the end too!


Ok that pic of you with the kids is so cute. You have your tongue out and still look cute. Where in god's name did you get the idea in that prior post that you are "unattractive"? Bc if you look that cute with your tongue out then you must be really pretty with your tongue in your mouth....

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Yeah...totally jealous of your ability to look cute even with your tongue sticking out. Mostly though? So excited for boy child and girl child! They must be on cloud 17!

Nancy said...

Congratulations to them both!

I TOO got my green belt this week... Wednesday in fact. Are your kids doing ITF Taekwon Do? Like, did they just finish learning the "Do San" pattern???

Dawn~a~Bon said...

I am so proud! Please hug them for me!

frannie said...

so proud of the little ninja's!!!

Twisted Cinderella said...

That is so awesome! and they are so cute posing for the pics!

my4kids said...

Congrats to the boy and girl children! Yeah. Joshua got his green belt last time he tested but he has been out since we moved and I'm still working on getting him in a new class up here. I need to find out if it is the ITF or ATF. Because the forms they do are different.

Emma in Canada said...

Congrats to your two on a job well done.

And your eyes! Oh my God, they are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the two green belts. Awesome job! And that last picture? I'm seeing a striking resemblance to the NaBloPoMo profile pic you have up. I'm just saying.

Angie said...

Whooo hoo to the children. . . and you look so cute in that last picture.

Very, very cool!!

Girl from Pennsylvania said...

Has no one commented on your freaking eyes! Are they seriously that amazing green????

I am also quite impressed that little kids could kick my ass!

Anonymous said...

Yay offspring! You rock ninja style! I love that they are such good friends. And, yes. Kids do taste like chicken. Sometimes even chicken shits.

Bethany said...

Are ninja mommys supposed to have such super green gorgeous eyes?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the Boy and Girl Child :) Love the last pic of the three of you....

Mrs. Booms said...

Your eyes? Gorgeous lady! Absolutely beautiful. Now I know what a sea of green looks like. Holy Crap.

Your kids? Awesomely cute... They have cute kid noses. I know, that was random, but seriously... you are blessed.

Dreamer said...

wow! congrats. and your eyes? are really, really green, and very pretty!

:-) love the pics.

SJINCO said...

Ya'll are so damn cute! Congrats on the ninja status, it must feel great to be a green belt!

And whoa, you have some gorgeous eyes!

Real Life in South Carolina said...

Congratulations on your two ninjas! That 4th picture? It scared me. They look hard core! I wouldn't mess with them!

NYOSM said...

Girl Child and Boy Child rock this town! Additionally, you rock! Big smoochies to you all!

Priscilla said...

You're kids are awesome! They ARE ninjas! And the best part, they are yours! Lucky mommy.

My what green eyes you have chick.

Edie said...

Congratulations! They look so happy and proud of themselves.

EE said...

Congrats to the kiddos.
My husband and kids are going for their first belt on Thursday...exciting stuff!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Congratulations to Boy Child and Girl Child! You guys rock!