Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving you'uns!

Despite the obscene amount of whining I do, I am really, really thankful for a lot of things.


Thing one and Thing two:


This crazy dog who loves to swing on our front porch swing.


This family that the four of us have managed to create. Not out of a sense of obligation, but out of genuine love, concern, and mutual respect.

For these things, I am profoundly thankful.

Also? For Diet Pepsi.

Happy Thanksgiving!


M said...

I? Am super thankful for this post. With so many pictures of my favorite people it freaking hurts.

BTW did you get my email? Punk son stole phone. ET phone home later. Or something. Though you'll be kicking it with your sister foo's.

All I know is I'm thankful you have this fabulous family that is REAL and WONDERFUL because you all are.

Love you.

M said...

Also thankful? I'm the first to f-ing comment! Hell to the yeah! Usually you're overrun! I WIN I WIN! I've been here longer ANYWAYS suckas.

Clearly? I have no home training. :)

Angie said...

Wow, what an awesome post--reminding us how blessed we all are!!

Just this morning at our family breakfast, I introduced the term "You-uns" to my yankee family members.

Have an awesome Turkey Day!

Anonymous said...

Hope you scoff a bite of pecan pie (oh, what the hell - do a pumpkin too) for me.

Sniff sniff. No thanksgiving here.....and I just at a homemade pizza.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

atE....I atE the pizza.

See? lack of calories on T-day does my head in.

SJINCO said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your B-E-A-UTIFUL family.

And even though I don't 'know' you, except here through this blog - I'm thankful for you.

Have a great day - and don't stuff yourselves TOO silly.

BS said...

I am thankful for people like YOU ... Happy Thanksgiving.

Beckie said...

and a beautiful family you are. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

frannie said...

and a very happy thanksgiving to you!

I'm glad you are giving thanks!

KiKi said...

You guys are beautiful and look so happy. Enjoy each other and the day. Happy Thanksgiving!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Dang you're a good looking family! Girl child looks like she'll be as pretty as her mum! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

For the love of shoes, could your kids be any more cute? Could your crazy swinging dog be anymore adorable?!

And seriously? You SO need to stop being so down on yourself. You are SUCH a beautiful girl!! The face, the smile, the kick ass hair!! I'd sell Jimmy's spleen to look like that!!

Happy Turkey Day!!

Tamar said...

You know, I had that Christmas card photo of your family up long after Christmas was over. You four just looked so wonderful together, and so happy - like the definition which should be under 'family' in the dictionary.

Also? I can't believe how big Thing One and Thing Two have grown - some of those photos remind me of how little they were when I first got to 'know' you.

Anonymous said...

Coming over to quickly wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and so glad I did!! LOVE all the pictures! My god your heart must burst everytime you look at those gorgeous people in your life. A beautiful family indeed!

Tilly said...

You have bee-ootiful hair missus.

And a gorgeous smile.

Denise said...

Love the pics! Happy turkey day/

nic said...

you're freaking gorgeous AND a traitor to diet coke, but i've decided to like you anyway because you're so dang likeable. and hilarious. and snarky.

i have a thing for snarkiness.


Dreamer said...

:) Happy Thanksgiving. Love the pics.

Alpha Dude said...

You are one beautiful family!

alissa said...

Beautiful. Wonderful. Amazing Post.

And I thank you for the reminder to appreciate my own family a little bit more. Well, at least my husband. My kids... they're a given.

Anonymous said...

Oh, love the family love montage. Great things to be thankful for!

Twisted Cinderella said...

I really like those! I LOVE the last one!

Edie said...

What a BEAUTIFUL family!

Dawn~a~Bon said...

Oh, I don't think I've seen that one of you and Jason, with you in the red shirt. I love that! You look so pretty! (you're always pretty thouuuugh!)

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

Amy W said...

I love all the pictures...very thankful you posted them!

EE said...

I'm totally wanting to snag your's gorgeous!!!!!

CPA Mom said...

OMG, I have complete hair envy now. I'm thankful you are still my friend even though I covet your hair. And your sense of humor. And mad writing skilz. xoxo

Mrs. Booms said...

Beautiful family and beautiful hair!!! So jealous.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I am thankful that you posted some pics! It's been a minute!

Love the family pictures. Beautiful!!