Monday, March 10, 2008

Well. This sucks.

Jason? Didn't get the job.

The job that he had a second interview on? The one that they called the only other candidate on Friday and said they were giving the job to "the other guy"? The one where the boss wanted to hire him and HIS boss wanted to hire him?

Yeah. He didn't get it. He found out today at 4pm.

Oh and whoever put the bigass KICK ME sign on my back, could you please, for the love of God and Jesus, take it off now? Because I'm really freaking tired of getting kicked.


frannie said...

oh, honey. I am so sorry. I know this must be so very frustrating to you and Jason.

thinking of you!!!

Denise said...

Sorry Chica that sucks ass.

Wenderina said...

I'm so sorry to hear it. And all those crappy platitudes about "it wasn't the right one", "there's a better one out there", etc. just never make the grade at a time like this.

Go kick something really hard (preferably not jason, child, or dog), swear, scream, eat a large vat of ice cream, and feel lousy for a little bit.

Tomorrow's soon enough to start again.

Mrs. Booms said...

I'm sorry hon... Really, really sorry.

When we lost my son my husband sent me an email. All it said was this:

Tough times don't last, but tough people do.

I get sick of being tough all the time and I'm sure you do too.

But just remember... these shitastic times have a way of having no real staying power.

Their fickle beasts.


Devon said...

yikes--that's stinky-pooh... :(

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh hun, that is just mental! Really, really, really...really...hoping it's because there's something better for him out there.

And that you guys find it soon.

So all this torment can end.


Getting that message universe? Chick needs this done with SOON!

Dreamer said...

Oh, Chick, that's horrible. I'm sorry. That sucks such ass. Really. They should be beat up for not giving Jason that job.


BandK said...

The other candidate was a woman, right?

Well, not to be un-PC or anything, but perhaps all other things being equal, they needed to increase their female quotient in the affirmative action category.

Not that it makes it any better or anything; maybe that makes it worse. But at least Jason would know its not personal.

Maybe next time he goes for an interview, he should wear a dress?!? ROFL

hee hee

Awwww c'mon, laugh just a little. It was KINDA funny??

Okay, just go soak your head in a bottle of vodka. That always works, too.

Yeah, it sucks.

Misty said...

Crap... Not good. I am so sorry to hear this.

Jenski said...

That's a big ol' suck. Sounds like a sucky story. Crossing my fingers that a great big ol' offer comes soon!

Anonymous said...

Suck. Sorry :(

Anonymous said...


Randi said...

well, crap.
I'm so sorry.
Something better will come along. I know it. But for now it really stinks.

SJINCO said...

So sorry Chick to hear the news. So very sorry. There's a reason for everything, and with that, something better WILL come along.

Keep the faith and hold your chin up. ((Hugs to you and your family)).

I'll be thinking about you guys....

J said...

Damn that sucks honey. I am so sorry.

kellyo75 said...

Wait, I don't get it. If all those people wanted to hire him, what the hell happened?? I am so sorry to hear this, Chick. I was hoping for you guys!

Angie said...

Well, crap.

So Many Scraps said...

Don't give up! it just means that there is a better plan, a better job! been there done that! It is hard hanging on to the end of the rope but hang tight!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Chick. I'll hire you both.

Can yall live off of $15 a week? (It's supposed to be the thought that counts, right?)

{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}

Red said...

Crapitty, Crap!

I'm sorry Chick. I really thought Jason had it in the bag. : (

Jill said...

as we would say here 'auuoooooo' -- sorry!

Gerbil said...

**Hands over The Brick**

Go to it.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

That sucks big time, Chick. Something will happen for Jason soon, just try to stay positive. I know that's hard to do, believe me, I am the QUEEN of worry, but just try.

HUGS! Big huge hugs!

Mamma Schmoo said...

So sorry to hear this news. Hope things look up soon!

Patiently waiting said...

Well, that totally sucks! Don't worry though, I'm sure he'll find something soon.

Julie said...

That does suck - I'm sorry. The right thing will come along soon!

Anonymous said...

You gotta look at this differently. The Man Upstairs has something BETTER in store. Really. Trust that;). xoxo {{{hugs}}}

Jhianna said...

Damn. And suck. Suckiness. Damn suckitude.

Amy W said...

What the heck??

Captain Steve said...

That is the suck, Chica. However, I did learn an entertaining as hell phrase over at The Almost Royal: Chin up, tits out.

Might not help, but it'll make you smile.

Kelly said...

I'm so sorry he didn't get the job!