Monday, June 23, 2008

It's okay to be yourself. Because you are you.

And here's how you are finding my blog these days.

-jason yonkers cock


-my hushand wouldnt stop call me fuck stuped bitch,crap,shutup everyday,

I'm very sorry. Dump his sorry ass and go out with someone else. Look for someone who doesn't put a high value on grammar/spelling. Okay sweetieface? Okay.

-Jason Snowe

Heh. Nice try.

-name is Jason loves God

Yes it is. Yes he does. Sing it with me now!

-Jason owes me child support asshole

Wait the child support is an asshole? Or Jason is? Either way, you won't find what you are looking for here.


You know that's right.


Frannie said...

okay, then.

Jennilu said...

Statcounter is a wonderful thing. My best, to date, was the freak that Googled "camel toe" and ended up reading a blog post I did about Kaylea and her "panty toes". Obviously, we weren't what he was looking for. ;)

Stephanie said...

I received a hit last night, one that disturbed me....inappropriate picture child....Lucky it only took them to my post with the picture of the camels mating and then they left.

Anonymous said...

Epic Fail! Bwahahahah! :)

J said...

Do you use Pro on SiteMeter?

I love it when people search crazy stuff and I get to see. It just shows how much more farked up the rest of the world is in comparison to us!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee! I always use proper grammar when doing google searches in case I end up clicking on someone's blog and getting featured in a post like this one.

I'm neurotic like that.

Julie said...

Good lord there are some retarded people out there with a license to Google!

SJINCO said...

Oh lord. Gotta love the searches.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder what people think when I forget to close their blog windows in Firefox. Do they think I read their posts over and over, searching for a hidden meaning?

Also, I'm going to link my new blog to yours, because I like you. Unless you don't want me to.

And I promise to comment more often.

Anonymous said...


Dawn~a~Bon said...

i love it!

Daphne said...

How do you find out what people search to get to your blog? I always laugh til I pee myself when you share yours, but I couldn't figure it out for my blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Bahahahah! I love seeing what people are searching for. One day I saw someone search for "bad bathing suit pictures" and somehow ended up on my blog. Excuse me? What are you tryin' to say mister? LOL

Jenski said...

I'm with Daphne - how do you do it?

And, huh to what people search.

PaintedPromise said...

i wasn't going to ask, i'm afraid to know how people find me (especially since i blog a lot about my donkeys)... but since someone else did, i'll await the answer with great anticipation lol

Anonymous said...

Ah, the search terms. They can put you through a rollercoaster of emotions, can't they? Weird what technology can do...and frightening.