Thursday, August 07, 2008

I wish I was twenty and someone else paid all my bills.

That way? I could call into work and say I wasn't coming in because I feel "icky".

I feel icky pretty much every day of my life. But I still go to work.

Funny how adulthood works, isn't it? Bizarre, even.


Julie said...

Some days I just wish I was twenty again. Senior year of college -

BandK said...

Hell, if I was MY age and someone else paid all my bills, I wouldn't just call in "icky," I'd quit the stupid job and stay home! LOL

the planet of janet said...

i resemble these remarks...

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

That's the one thing I dislike about motherhood. It's the most difficult job in the world with no sick days.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I hate to admit it but once upon a time I -was- that kid. So frickin` self-absorbed.

Anonymous said...

yes but that spoiled person will eventually have a swift kick in the butt of reality. It won't be pretty.

Kiki said...

I felt icky today but I still did what had to be done. Then I took a nap.

Saphira said...

yep, it sucks now and then .....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, kids don't even realize how easy their lives are. And they're in such a hurry to grow up! For what?

Anonymous said...

Don't feel icky. Please?

Angie said...

Girl, I'm getting a complex. I swear I left a comment about this, and it's GONE.


Anonymous said...

i've been reading your blog and you make me laugh (yeah, out loud).

i proposed to a friend yesterday that i call into his work and tell his boss he passed out and i had to take him to the hospital. then he can call into my boss and tell her the same thing about me. then we'd skip the afternoon and go to a movie. we're 26.

hope you feel less icky.