Sunday, October 19, 2008

And that's how I ended up with no pants on.

I have these wonderful ideas, you know? For example, today? I thought it would be a really good idea to go for a nature walk.

On rocks.

In a river.

Did I ever mention that I have the grace of a messy, deadly plane crash?

And that it was about 60 degrees in the mountains today?


Thank God Jason keeps a blanket in the back of the car. I'm really glad I didn't give those truckers a peep show on the long, cold ride home.


SJINCO said...


Oh my word, those truckers would have followed you home I'm sure...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm so glad stuff like this happens to people other than me. Makes me feel less picked on.

Neil's emergency blanket has come in handy a few times, let me tell you...

Scratch that. That sounded dirty.

Angie said...

Okay, so I knew I had to come over here because of reading about this on Facebook.

How pathetic is that?

Ooh, and I loved Kimberly's comment. It didn't sound dirty at all. . . :)

Anonymous said...

Totally something that would happen to me!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, honey. If you have the grace of a plane crash? I have the grace of a commuter train/freight train collision. I hear ya.

Doug said...

Now if this is why you were freezing.. you are in no way a wimp. Blanket(s) in the back of the car are a very good thing.

Captain Steve said...

Don't you hate it when that happens!

EE said...

Great title!!!
The content didn't disappoint, either;)