Monday, June 08, 2009

Ginger says:

I might stare at you and sit with you and burp in your face every single second that you are awake, but the VERY MOMENT you pull out a camera?

I will steadfastly refuse to look at you.



Rebecca said...

Yeah, my dogs do that too. And my cats. And the goats......haha!

Patience said...

Pretty profile tho

Dawn~a~Bon said...

She's so sweet. And pretty!

Hannah Bear hated the camera. HATED. That's why she always looked stressed out in all of her pictures!

Priscilla said...

My Maya B HATES the camera. Will RUN away from me the moment it leaves my purse. No cute shots there. Frank on the other hand, sees the camera, turns and sits so you can get a good picture. (giant ham) No sneak shots on him either.

Anonymous said...

LOL she does have a great profile. Mine cats and dogs do the same. I've found that taking pics with my camera phone in silent mode works best since they always move when they hear the click sound.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

My first thought was that she must know what a beautiful profile she has. Gorgeous girl.

Tricia said...

My dog sits by me and whines. Then when I go to pet her head, she dodges my hand. Although, my dog will pose pretty for pictures!

Anonymous said...

What a perfectly straight nose she has. Did she get it done?

SJINCO said...

Oh she totally wants to look at you, I can tell!

Victoria Dehlbom said...

My dogs see the camera come out and they pose. You can't get a natural shot out of them, because they think they are the center of the univers and everyone wants pictures of them.