Thursday, July 16, 2009

Anniversary date!

Yes, our anniversary was on the 12th. But today, we celebrated. Because we got paid yesterday. But whatever.

We went to The Chop House. Just me. Just him. Just us. To celebrate six wonderful years as a married couple.

I had crab cakes. They were delightful. Despite the fact that my husband has been sick all week, we still had a nice conversation. We laughed. We talked about the past. We talked about our future. The lights were low, the waitress was attentive, and the elderly crowd of ladies talking VERY VERY loudly about poor Erwin and his prostate didn't even faze us.

Not us. We're in love! And stuff!

He stared deeply into my eyes, leaned forward and said...

"You have a piece of rice stuck to your boob."

It was the best lunch ever.


SJINCO said...

Oh girl, that's true love at its finest!

Happy (belated)Anniversary to you and Jason!

Anonymous said...

how romantic :)

ZDub said...


Happy Anniversary!

moroccojade said...

Marvelous! Happy Anniversary. :)

Dawn~a~Bon said...

He had to be checking out your boob in order to notice the rice. That, my dear, is true lurve. Congrats!

Devon said...

A moment to remember... LOL!
Glad you had a nice time!!!

Jill said...

awww..... wanna come watch my kid so I can have my husband talk about the future. every time we try its segmented by baby needing attention, the fact we havent eaten and its now almost bedtime or, the fact that its bedtime.. shite man, just shite...

Tricia said...

It's nice to know after all those years, your husband is still checking out your boobs!

Tamar said...

HA at Trish Marie's comment, and congratulations on your six years of being ogled! (Am now feeling motivated to actually DO something for our anniversary instead of flagging it the way we have for the last two years...)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and now that is true love :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I bet he said it JUST to give you something funny to blog about. He's sweet like that, don't'cha know.