Sunday, February 11, 2007

MTV scores again!

As you may or may not know, I recently discussed the MTV's television program "Engaged and Underage". I told myself I wouldn't watch it again, because of my shock and horror from the first episode.

However, I am a glutton for punishment and so on, so I recently tuned in midway through a show to see what new adventures MTV had to bring to enrich my life.

And what did I see?

A soon-to-be Mother-in-law giving her soon-to-be Daughter-in-law a bikini wax.

I am totally not kidding.

As the future Daughter-in-law was being waxed up and I was busy throwing up in my mouth, the future Mother-in-law was reassuring her that it wouldn't hurt. I couldn't help but think to myself that it would be a cold day in hell before my Mother-in-law ever laid eyes on my vajayjay. I would rather stab myself in the throat to even think about something like that. I mean, a bikini wax is nice. Certainly. But administered by your soon- to- be husband's mother? Um, no. Sweet Jesus no.

To her credit, the Mother-in-law to be was otherwise fairly sane and normal. She took the son/groom out to dinner and didn't, you know, encourage him to keep breast feeding like I was afraid the mother on the other program would. She was actually very supportive and told him how much she loved his future bride and how happy she was that the bride-to-be would be a part of their family.

I always wanted to have a Mother-in-law who loved me like that. Except, you know, without the hot wax part.


Alpha Dude said...

If the people were completely "normal" and didn't do anything weird or "shocking", they would be boring and most likely not be on the show.

I have MTV blocked to keep this kind of junk out of my house. But then, if I did force myself to watch it once in a while, I may have more material for writing my bible devotional type articles.

Naw....I'll just read what you write about it. I like the way you look at things.

my4kids said...

Oh man that is just wrong. I wouldn't even let my mother do something like that, geez! I don't have cable right now (I know sad and pathetic) but I am a glutton for punishment and probably would end up watching it myself also.

Dreamer said...

oh my gosh! ewwww.w.....

hahah. kind of reminds me of my wedding night. i was going to put on my dress, and my MIL walks in when I only had on my underwear and trying to pull the dress over my boobs.....


Unknown said...

That is sick. I haven't seen that show. I don't think I will be hunting it down anytime soon.

PinkCat said...

OMG I just spat my tea all over the computer screen. lol

I trained as a Beauty Therapist in the U.K. and I had to have people come into to practise Bikini waxs on and my sister in law volunteered. AND I must say its something that I would never ever ever in a million years want to do again. I think family memebers should be kept at arms length. I have never waxed anyone since. lol

Have you ever seen a brazilian wax? You would probably needed some pain medication after that.

Very funny post. Liked it I bloody loved it.

Take care

dennis said...

hmmm....MTV and 'sane' MIL..?

did she make these supportive, loving comments about the bride-to-be before or after the bikini wax??

Jocelyn said...

You have convinced me we need to get cable.

But why are you so hostile to a little mother-in-law/daughter bonding? A little wax, a little rip, a little wine, a little lip...


frannie said...

I know!!!! that totally freaked my sh*t out when I saw it!!!

Ashley said...

Just to let you know - I tivo'd the whole diaster that is "Engaged and underaged" just because of you. Me and James endured not one, but two episodes. This show is like a train wreck - you just have to watch.