Sunday, June 17, 2007

DNA shmena.

So you weren't here for this:

Or this:
That's okay. I had man eye-brows and a massively bad dye job anyway.

You showed up in time for this:

And you stuck around...

So thanks. You know. For that.

I used to think it mattered so much that you weren't around at the beginning. I'm realizing it doesn't matter at all. Not really.

After all...they do have your eyes.

Happy Father's Day.


velocibadgergirl said...

You guys are just about the most gorgeous family ever. I think my favorite is the one where Girlchild is laughing on the porch swing. Oh, my heart!

Red P. Bucket said...

What a great dad!

manders said...

Beautiful family, Chick!

Side note, I am having a strange Blogger moment I feel compelled to share. The word verification is 'fataj'. It's an actual word in arabic. Jus' sayin'.

CPA Mom said...

what an amazing tribute. what a beautiful family. you know, we are truly blessed. and I'm a freaking jerk from not having done a tribute to HP. Thanks bunches. BWAHAHAHAHA

Wendy said...

sweet! You all are so lucky to have an awesome man in your lives:) Great pictures!!!

my4kids said...

He may not be their bio dad but he sure looks like their dad to me! Honestly if I didn't know the story I would have no clue.
Happy Fathers day!

EE said...

What an awesome Dad...and hot, too!!!

BS said...

Great post and pictures - Just remember that anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Daddy. And you guys have someone special.

Adventures in Baby Fat said...

Beautiful. Looks like dad to me!

Angie said...


totally precious post.

You rock, and so does Jason

Alpha Dude said...

Happy Father's Day, Jason!

You Rock, Dude!

Jocelyn said...

Slide the Kleenex box over here already.

Ann (aka: yerdoingitwrong) said...

What a great man!!!! Beautiful family, girl.

Jamie said...

WHat a beautiful post, what a beautiful family, what a beautiful mother you are! He is a great dad, you both are quite lucky to have the other...and your children have the best. I LOVE the photo with the dog...have a great day!

Patiently waiting said...

Beautiful post! Happy Father's day Jason!

Vicki said...

Any male person( wouldn't necessarily call them all "a man") can biologically "Father" a child. Only a real MAN can be a Dad. Your beautiful kids have a great Dad, and that's a fantastic thing.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute to what sounds like a great Dad...and an awesome family.

Anonymous said...

He's their Dad in every sense of the word (and really? The kids DO look like him!! The dog? Not so much, but she's cute, regardless :) ).

Hope Jason's Father Day was awesome!!

frannie said...

happy father's day Jason--- to one of the best dad's out there!

you made me cry

SJINCO said...

Add me to the list of those that got teary eyed.

What a simple post but man! It totally knocked me on my ass.

What a great tribute, I can tell by the pictures that he's a great Dad.

Happy Belated Fathers Day Jason!

Amy W said...

What a great tribute to a great Dad...

Julie said...

sniff sniff - what a sweet post. happy father's day to jason!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute. I am happy for your "happy ending", Chick. You got the prince after all!

louann said...

THat is so sweet! You have a beautiful family :)

Shanilie said...

Love this post! The pictures with daddy with the kiddos are perfect for Father's Day. He is a wonderful dad. You all are very blessed. I loved all the photos, but the one with the gingerbread house is my favorite. I don't think Ryan would ever go near frosting lol. I'm all choked up.

PinkCat said...

Awww Chick what a great tribute to such a great day. Tell him the Circus thinks he rocks.

Take care xx

PinkCat said...

ooops I meant great Dad. Bloody hell I am tired.... is summer over yet?

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What a great Dad!

I feel a sudden need to take more pictures of Neil so I can show him off too. =)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

You do have such a beautiful family. I love all these pics!!! You are so very lucky to have Jason, but, I get the feeling you already know that!