Sunday, August 12, 2007

How is this possible?

Boy Child has approximately four hundred pairs of socks.

I can find two.

I just don't understand how this continues to happen. This morning as I was putting together his clothing for the week and, you know, crawling under the bed looking for socks, I questioned him regarding this.

Me: "Son. How is it possible that you own eight hundred socks and I can only find two?"
BC: "Dunno."
Me: "Where are all your socks son?"
BC, thoughtfully: "Canada?"
Me: "Son. We don't live in Canada."
BC: "We don't?"
Me: "NO. We live in the United States. I only know like three people who even live in Canada."
BC, brightening: "Maybe they took them!"
Me: "Who?"
BC: "Your friends in Canada."
Me: "Um, no."
BC: "Hey mom? Canada is where they have that bacon! And your friend? He says eh? a lot!"
Me: "Never mind."

If you guys see any small socks with stains on the bottom? They belong to Boy Child. Please send them back over.


Alpha Dude said...

I feel somewhat disappointed.
I was waiting for something like a "Laugh-In" Sock-It-To-Me joke in there somewhere.

If I find any socks, I will most definitely send them your way.


Unknown said...

Hmm, for the record, I don't have BC's socks. If I see any around, I too will send them your way.

Lizarita said...

I seem to have the same problem with socks in this house. Canada, eh?

On a totally unrelated note...everytime I look at your page, Haley sees your header and says "Mommy! It's you!!"
HA! I wish.

frannie said...

maybe Emma has them... after all, she has 4 kids... she probably needs socks.

Ry said...

No Way! If I find them, I'm keeping them! My girls' socks disappear all the time, too! Can't. Understand. It.

Denise said...

In our house we have the sock monster. Not to be confused with the tooth paste monster, who leaves big globs of toothpaste in the sink.If after two washing and a quick look under the boys bed, I start throwing them away. I dont have this problem with my little girl, just the boys.

Emma in Canada said...

Same with Liam, his socks disappear constantly and he will actually wear one black and one white sock together. It must be a boy thing.

Tell Boy Child that this Canadian so does not say eh. Or eat Canadian bacon.

SJINCO said...

It's a boy thing! My boys lose socks ALL THE TIME!

EE said...

yeah, we have that problem over here, too. where DO they go????

HeatherAnn Fragglehead said...

We have this very same problem in our house. I feel your pain.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Tell that hoser of a son of yours we haven't got his socks. =P

When we lived in Oregon, I said "Eh?" all the time. Like a self-defense mechanism that I used to scream out "I'm Canadian!" at everyone.

I'm happy to be home.

Victoria Dehlbom said...

I can tell you that I usually find the socks after I have completed the wash for the week. Then I dump them in the clothes hamper only to find out my son has taken them out of the clothes hamper to wear. We've repeated this cycle a few times. This is why boys have funk.

~Sheryl said...

I have plenty of spare socks here, and I would gladly send them to you, but none of them match!


My step children are very thin when they arrive and seem to "fatten up" when they are visiting. They are 8 and 9 years old. Their socks also disappear and I had considered the possibility that they ate EATING the socks, HOWEVER, recent pictures of Boy Child (and looking at Older Step Son who is 9) indicate the following evidence: children are not eating socks...repeat CHILDREN NOT EATING SOCKS..........

Jamie said...

You are quite obviously raising a stand up comic....

dennis said...

boy child is waaaay funny!

Anonymous said...

Actually, boy child's socks must be gay. I'll tell you why. Coz my son's socks must have run off with your son's socks.

It's totally logical. Coz a dryer cannot eat them (it's illogical man)!

Anonymous said...

I seem to own a washer and dryer that eats socks. I can put 8 pair in and I get back 7 1/2. Every. Single. Time.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Hmmm, there appears to be a pattern here. We buy socks...alot.

And, they keep disappearing. Seriously, are they taking the socks off in some random location and I am not aware? Cuz, ya know, I am not aware sometimes.