Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Give these people your money.

As you have probably noticed in my blog postings, I have a bit of a hard time with douchebags.

While I might come across as a bit ranty, I am a generally easy going and don't get terribly upset unless someone is just, well, a complete douchebag. Which, as you can imagine in today's world, makes it difficult for me to deal with a lot of customer service people.

Now don't get me wrong. I've worked in customer service. I know that you can start out the day with a great attitude and have one jackhole scream at you for something that is absolutely not your fault in any way, shape, form, or fashion and it pretty much just screws with your whole day. I get that, honestly. So many times I was yelled and screamed at by people who were not mad at me, but mad at the situation. I really do understand.

Apathy? I get.

What I don't get it why people have to be mean.

So. When I find someone or some company that is good, caring and nice? I'm elated. Really, it doesn't take much with me.

A few years ago I assumed I would have a baby. What does one do when they assume they will have a baby and have not yet had their hopes and dreams dashed by their wizened ovaries? They look online at all things baby.

One day during my looking, I found the company PurpleStork. I fell in love with their website; the innovative designs, the beautiful photography, the whole thing. I knew that when I had my little baby I would use this company for my birth announcements.

Well, it came to pass that I couldn't have a baby. I yelled and screamed and cried about all that, but I still loved Purple Stork.

I realized they make Christmas cards. So I ordered my Christmas cards. I sent them my order and attached all my pictures.

I expected the cards would be nice. Just looking at their website, you can tell. But what I didn't expect was the sweet email they sent me. And the emails that followed the first one, making sure I was 100% satisfied with what they created. And the emails thanking me for my business.


So, I ordered my graduation invitations from them. I didn't want the typical graduation invitations. I had something very specific in mind and I knew they could help me create it. (Note: When your graduation invitations say, "Thank the Sweet Lord!" you know you can't just get them from Jostens or whatever. It takes a special kind of company to make you an invitation like that.)

So I took the pictures. I told them what it should say. And I sent it to them with a note that said, basically, "Do whatever you want. I trust you."

The invitations? Were perfect. They completely reflected me and my personality and were exactly what I wanted. It's like they read my mind.

So this year? Of course I wanted to order from them again. I sent them my pictures and picked what design I liked and told them, "Do whatever you want. I know it will be awesome."

And they emailed me back.

They told me how nice it was to hear from me again.
How much the kids have grown.
How different Ginger looks now.
How much fun we must have had at Disney World.
And how, wasn't it nice that I could relax and have a vacation after my graduation.

These people? Know more about me than a lot of my family members.

And the cards? Perfection.

It is so nice to know that there are a few companies out there that still care about their customers. PurpleStork is one of them.


The fine folks at Purple Stork are offering you, yes you, 10% off a new order for printed cards. Please use the code: AUG7 at checkout.

Seriously. Use them. They rock.


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I wonder if they ship to Canada. Must restore your faith in the species a wee bit.

Mrs. Booms said...

Hello... Thanks for hooking me up with where I'm getting my holiday cards this year... That's the bomb diggity!

Edie said...

Cool! I will definitely be checking them out!

frannie said...

no time to comment--- off to visit their website!

Anonymous said...

Their cards really are stunning!!!! Thanks for bringing them to the attention of your faithful readers!

SJINCO said...

Oh wow, they really sound super fantastic! I'm off to check out their stuff....

Alpha Dude said...

Now THAT is one sweet endorsement.
Only YOU could say it eloquently!

I'm actually going to check them out.


Anonymous said...

Love to hear good feedback! I just posted negative feedback on my blog, now I feel kind of bad : )

Anonymous said...

I LOVE PurpleStork. So, I get your happy happy joy joy feeling :)

Lizarita said...

Holy MOLY! That place is the bomb diggity. And all those baybeeeeees! Thanks for the info!

Pgoodness said...

Wow, that's great! I only wish my customers were all as happy as you!

M said...

I cannot WAIT to see what they've done this year! Last year was just perfection and a half! xo

I'm so glad you have a good relationship with your card company. Makes up for some of the asswads you're related to.

Blue Tissue Box said...

I absolutely love that. I love that they are THAT personal with you. Warms my heart a bit to know that there are nice places out there that haven't resorted to all automated bullshit.

If we check them out and give them our business, if we drop your name, will that get you a discount? lol

Emma in Canada said...

Did you order extra cards for all your blogger friends? Because you know I totally want one now. And now I'm off to look at their site.

Angie said...

I'll be checking them out, too. Too cool!!!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Cool!! So many companies now treat you like you're so unimportant to them. It is so nice when you feel appreciated.

CPA Mom said...

very cool, thanks for the tip (and discount!)

BTW, I fully expect to get a Christmas card from you lady. You're getting one of mine!

Amy W said...

Totally using them, thanks!!