Sunday, January 20, 2008

The people I surround myself with.

My friend Allison, to me: I need to start my own business.
Me: Doing what?
Allison: Straightening out men. Making them act right.
Me: You could totally do that.
Allison: I know! And I could call my business, "I'll straighten your ass out, Inc."
Me, mulling it over: I think that's actually called being a dominatrix.
Allison: Yeah. Maybe.
Me: Still. You could make a lot of money. Even if you aren't a slave to the wang.


SJINCO said...


Alpha Dude said...

Okay, for once, I'm grateful we live so far away.....

but just this once.....


Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Oh, yeah. Whip city!

Dawn~a~Bon said...

LMAO - I could refer a few friends of mine to her if she ever decides to go for it.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

It could be a lucrative business. I'd like to get involved in the "straightening asses out" industry.

frannie said...

she could hire me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear. You'd make a fortune.


She would have to call it "I'll Straighten HIS Ass Out, Inc" because there is not one man in the entire universe who would admit he doesn't act right. The clientelle would be wives and girlfriends. Mothers probably wouldn't hire her, as they tend to think their sons are perfect, excepting in wife/girlfriend choice, and for that they can suck it anyway.

Anonymous said...

I would donate to that business. Heck, I would make baked goods and sell them and donate all the proceeds to that business.

Blue Tissue Box said...


it'd be like dog obedience class for for men. where's the sign up sheet? do owners have to be present? haha.

Dreamer said...

haha! :)

Nick & Lizzy said...


Actorgirl said...

I have a couple she can straighten out!!! And a friend who'd be a FABULOUS partner! :)

Sabrina said...

Does Allison do house calls? I'd love to have her over for about..a work with my hubby!

EE said...

Millions are to be made in this endeavor!!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I wish my hubby weren't so sweet so I could sic her on him, 'cause that would be fuuuun!

Jenski said...

It would be like finishing school for men! That's a wonderful idea. Would they enroll on their own or would this be like committing them to a behavior asylum?