Saturday, January 05, 2008

Wasting even more time!

After the indignities of yesterday which included sobbing for my entire forty-five minute commute, I woke up this morning with not only my husband's foot lodged firmly in my anus, but also with a new resolve.

The best thing to do when you are confronted with toxic people is to get them out of your life, right? You drop the idealistic hippie crap and come to the realization that while you understood that most people truly suck, even sometimes people you thought were good truly suck. And what's the best way to deal with these people?

You get away from them.

So, since getting away from these people means a lot of things to me, including quitting my job and, you know, wasting my education, I decided to do the one thing that would solve all my problems.

I sat down and I wrote.

I Googled. I found publishers, contests, opportunities. And I started emailing and addressing envelopes.

Because, by God, if I'm going to sit here wasting my life? I might as well go all the way.

In for a penny, in for a pound or whatever the hell that old saying is.

And if nothing comes of it? What difference does it make anyway? Nothing comes of anything I try to do, apparently.


MdG said...

You know, good for you!
Some people just never recognize that good things happen to those who put forth some effort.
No ammount of pithy or trite sayings will recognize the personal insight and responsibility to your own happiness your actions required.

That in and of itself makes all the difference.

Angie said...

I am so proud of you.

. . .and yet, so confused. Unless Jason is WAAAAY shorter than you, or you all sleep perpindicular to each other, how in the FROG does his foot get in your caboose?

I'm really trying NOT to make mental pictures. Truly, I am.

Lizarita said...

Ay-freakin-men sister! You are wonderful.

Jill said...

i'm glad you are motivated. i'm not motivated... but at this point, i dont care. you can only be beaten so much... you have to have some recovery time.. obviously yours is shorter than mine. you go!

Anonymous said...

Way to take that energy and put it into something positive that will only give you something to stick your tongue out at the evil people later.

You are so going to be huge, you just wait!

frannie said...

I am so happy that you are trying!!!

and it certainly won't happen, if you don't try.

Joy T. said...

Now according to 'The Secret' this was all excellent....except that last line! I see you trying to do a lot. And I firmly believe something will come of it. As for toxic people? Get rid of them if they are in your life. If you have to work with them, stay as far away from them as possible. If they sit two feet away from you...poke them with a very sharp stick. Oh oops.

Anonymous said...

Submitting your writing is NOT a waste of your time.

Emma in Canada said...

Such a great post until the last do amazing things every day. You make a difference every single day. Don't let the idiots in your life let you think you don't.

Oh, and I am all for you quitting your job and moving up north! I know you said nothing about moving to Canada, but I'm reading between the lines. Or making things up. Whatever. You could come to coffee with Joy and I. (And Dawn and Debbie too, but I am not sure if you read them and vice versa.)

1 plus twins said...

i so agree with you. unfortunately some people suck and are very toxic for us and some are even people we thought were our friends (hard lesson i had to learn)and the best thing to do is stay clear of all toxic bull. good for you for making the decision to get away from it.

Dreamer said...

I'm sure something good will come out of it. So sorry I missed the open letters. Hon, you are better than that, you don't need someone that's not going to listen to your problems. I wish I lived closer, I'd be your friend (although you would probably think me weird--lol). :) You are looking at the glass half full, which is wonderful. :)

BandK said...

You go, girl!!!

Whatever gets you motivated. Someday you will laugh about all this -- I promise!

And honestly, most people do NOT suck. Only mean people suck. And they can suck the LIFE out of you. So good riddance to bad rubbish.

And we, your fans, cheer you on to the end! :-)

BandK said...

Yayyy Chick!!

SJINCO said...

Way to go Chick! You are making a come back! Best wishes to you - I know I'll be reading a publication of yours one day.

Krissie said...

You just gotta put yourself out there. In the past, I have liked to complain and stew and do nothing about it.
Here's to seeking better things for ourselves!

TheOneTrueSue said...

Wow, you're so inspirational right now. Good for you.

Allie said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now, I lurked if you will, you are an amazing writer. Everyday I can't wait to see what you've written, to see how your day has been, to hear about the hilarious things you, your husband and your kids say. You tell a story, you entertain, you captivate an audience; I have no doubt that you will go far with your writing, hang in there. Be patient and keep trying, I know your time will come.

Bunny said...

Chick, you are awesome and I'm so proud of you. You are an amazing writer and I just know that you WILL be published.
I have felt that way too: that nothing comes of anything you try. That you try so hard and put your everything into something only to be handed back a fistful of shit. Hang in there.

dawn224 said...

Oh good luck!

M said...

I? Am super proud of you and love you on a zillion bagels. xoxo

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I really feel like it's only a matter of time till your brilliance is recognized by some publisher out there, I really do. In the meantime, you've got a boy child and a girl child who prove that your efforts in life are yielding some pretty fabulous results. =)

Edie said...

Way to go!! That's awesome!! I'm so proud of you!! I'm sure something will come of it!

Mrs. Booms said...

Hell Yeah!! I'm only sad that it's other people's idiocy that got you going again!!!

You rock... in serious ways.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Good for you for getting rid of toxic people in your life. One question though.

If nothing ever comes of anything you try to do, then why are there, now, 24 comments on this post?