Thursday, April 03, 2008

The secret lives of bears.

Last night, Boy Child's homework consisted of numerous groups of sentences, each labeled with a letter. The Boy had to select the correct sentence and then write the letter next to it to make yet another sentence.

For example:

a The homeworks is stupid.
e Them homeworks is stupid.
l Our homework are stupid.
b The homework is stupid.

So he would pick "b". Because the Boy Child? Are not stupid.

Anyhoodle, the final sentence:

"Grin and bear it"

(There was a bear on the page. That's probably important)

Boy Child looked confused.

"What does that mean...grin and bear it?" he asked.

"Oh, you know," I said, "Like, smile even though you think it's bad or wrong or dumb or whatever."

His entire face lit up with recognition.

"Yes! Yes! Grizzly bears do that all the time!"

"No," I said. "This isn't really about bears son-"

"Sure it is! Grin and BEAR it! Get it? And those grizzly bears...or maybe it's black bears? Black bears, mom, they are smiling ALL the time!"

"Really son? REALLY?"

He nodded, wisely and asked:

"Wouldn't you smile if you got to rip people up for a living?"

For. Reals.


Angie said...

Holy crap. Your kids are hilarious.

. . . and smart too. For reals.

Kim said...

*snort* If I was drinking coffee, it would be spewing out of my left nostril right now!

Mrs. Scuba said...

You're right, that boy is smart :)

Anonymous said...

I love his reasoning skills!

Captain Steve said...

Do I not like the people I would be ripping up for a living? Because as long as I didn't like them. . .yes. Yes I would probably smile.

frannie said...

I would like to apply for the open position of black bear, please.

J said...

Kids are so cute. Especially yours.

I also wanted to comment about yesterdays post. My mom changed my last name when I was 7, without contacting my sperm donor. Times are different now, I know. But, she was able to do it because my step-dad didnt adopt me, we just changed my last name to reflect that they had been married. Maybe this would work for you? I am sure you already thought of that, but just wanted to throw in my two cents.

Anonymous said...

He is so funny. :) And smart. :)

Tarasview said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe Boy Child should write a book too. He is too funny!

SJINCO said...

Oh my. I love how Boy Child's mind works.

Smarty for sure :)

Anonymous said...

Laugh out loud funny - so much so I had to use whole words - "LOL" wasn't gonna cut it.

Heather J. said...

Very cute.
Boy child is funny,like his mama.

Julie said...

That boy child - he's a smart cookie.

Jenski said...

You must LOVE the never ending funnies coming out of your twins' mouths!

Anonymous said...

Freaking hilarious. Where do you get these kids from?! :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh heck....I laughed so hard it hurt!

Anonymous said...



Jocelyn said...

You're going to have to stop this, or I'll be driving over tomorrow to get him for Camp Jocelyn.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Nope, Boy Child are not stupid. But, he are teh funny.

kristi said...

Oh yeah! Definitely.