Friday, May 16, 2008

It's not all about me.

I need to remember this. Every. Single. Day.

It's so hard sometimes, though. It's so hard to not think about what I would like best or what would be best for me. It's hard to think about what's going to make someone else happy instead of what would make me happy.

Is it hard for you? Or am I an ass?


Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

No it's the same for me too... i think what gets me is putting everyone else first and then the ONE time i want to do something for me, I'm accused of being selfish...

Tricia said...

I kind of like to put me first. I am selfish like that. But I think in the long run it is better. I am happier. It makes the people around me happier.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Of course it's hard...that's what being human is. We live inside our own heads...we can't help but think about how things affect us. Thinking about others? That's though. I figure that's why we live as long as we do, since we need that much time to clue into it.

And that's why old people are either super sweet and thoughtful, or couldn't give a darn about anyone. Either they figured it out or they gave up years ago, y'know?

Rebecca said...

Yep, its hard for me too. So either thats normal, or we are all complete asses...haha.

Anonymous said...

Most people? Are thinking about themselves. No matter what they say. Or do.

Bethany said...

I think about what I want all the time and think the world should revolve around me. The problem is I hardly ever do for myself. If I would just do a little something for myself instead of always for someone else I'd be a lot happier.

Really I want it to be all about me. What are the odds of that happening?

Anonymous said...

You're just an ass.


I think we ALL struggle with the selfish gene.;) Sometimes more than others....

That you even question it? Shows you're not 'just an ass'. xo

Tarasview said...

of COURSE it's not all about YOU because it is all about ME! Haven't you heard?

KiKi said...

Only you know what's best in this situation, but generally speaking: ya gotta sometimes put yourself first.

I know this is gonna sound abstract, but here goes: when you're on a flight and they're giving those "here's what to do in case of an emergency" lectures, they always tell you to secure your oxygen mask FIRST, and then help those around you. Because you're no good to anyone else if you haven't seen to your own wellbeing.

Whoooo-weee!!! Deep, right? Don't hurt your brain with that one. I'm just brilliant like that.


Angie said...

You're not an ass. It's hard. But, in my heart, I know it's what I should do.

When you figure out how to think of others' needs first, let me know how you do it. Because it's a daily struggle.

Anonymous said...

Not an ass. I think everyone struggles with this. I know I do on an almost daily basis!

BandK said...

I think its important to have a balance. Its kind of like an emotional checking account.

If you constantly withdraw (give to others) and never deposit (give to self) eventually you will be overdrawn and the penalties for that are exhaustion, physical illness and stress.

The thing is? That often those people around us make us feel guilty for taking time for ourselves or doing something for ourselves. But you have to do it, or you'll explode.

Nothing wrong with being selfish as long as it's not 100% of the time. But I don't think you'd have such terrific kids or wonderful Jason if you were, so obviously you aren't selfish 100% of the time. It's okay to say "NO" sometimes and sit down and read a book or whatever floats your boat.

Go for it!!

Anonymous said...

You are not an ass, it can be hard. For me, lately it is more a case of, "it is not all about my pregnancy"

Anonymous said...

You are NOT an ass. It is hard for all of us. As a wife, a mother and an employee, we rarely take the time, or even have the time to do something completely selfish. B&K is right about needing to make deposits into our own account. Do something for you today!

SJINCO said...

You are not an ass.

And it's hard. It's that plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Same with me. I hear ya, sister.

But I don't think we're asses. At least, not ALL the time. But then, it's not about us, right? ;)

Jenski said...

Of course it's about you! You do things to make your kids happy because that makes you happy, right?