Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Secret Lives of little girls.

It has been widely reported that I love television. I'm not even ashamed of it. I love television.

So I was thrilled to recently see a program in my television line-up called, "Bridezillas". Then I was saddened when I attempted to watch the program and was told that the channel would "be available shortly". Shortly is apparently code word for "never".

But I have On-Demand and found WE television and the wonder that is Bridezillas, AND I can watch it whenever I want. Which rocks.

Under the WE section was a program called, "The Secret Lives of Women". And I was like, "Huh! I wonder if they will have any secret bloggers such as myself!"

Um. No. Not really what it was about.

The episode I saw? Was about child brides.

I was so alternately sad and horrified by this program. I think the girl that made me the most sad was the one who was 16. She was a bride at 15. She had a baby. Her husband beat her.

And she was planning to get remarried after she got a divorce from the first guy.
The second husband? Was twenty-seven. And unemployed.
Her mom was thirty-five.

The reporter asked her what she loved about the new guy. She said something like, "He's real good to me. He don't beat on me."


Because really? That's the reason you marry someone? Because they do you the honor of not knocking the snot out of you? I wish that was just a given in the relationship. You know? I mean, I've had the crap knocked out of me before by someone who "loved" me and even I know that whether or not he promised to never hit me again is in no way the basis for a lifetime commitment.


The whole thing was pretty depressing. Those poor little girls.


Tricia said...

Wow. Just wow. I didn't expect that from that show. I was thinking along the lines you were...

And I love Bridezilla! Ha! It is good entertainment.

BandK said...

OMG when the best thing you can say about your finace is that "he don't beat on me," that is REALLY depressing. Those poor girls.

I, too, LOVE television. I'm out, loud and proud (about TV that is!!!). LOL

BandK said...
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Sabrina said...

That's just depressing. Times have changed, we don't have to get married so young anymore. Both of my grandmothers got married at the age of 14, their marriages were very strong and solid and were arranged, but I'm glad that my dad didn't trade me in for two goats and a cow when I turned 14 :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What a sick world this sometimes is.

Mrs. Booms said...

The uneducated masses out there are such a sad thing.

And by educated I don't mean schooling. I mean having someone care about you enough to tell you that it doesn't have to be like this.

kristi said...

I SAW THAT!! And what was up with all of her hair being gone??

Karin's Korner said...

I love Bridezilla too!! But, I AM a television ho....yes I said it... and I am proud.

J said...

Oh my gosh! That is ust crazy. I never thought that show would be like that, really. I thought it would be like, explaining WHY we like the toilet seat down and stuff.


Allie said...

That's crazy and the saddest part is that it is obviously a cycle since her mother is only 35, one can assume her mother was a child bride too. How sad.

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

You are dead-on. And? I was watching that, too. It was just so sad that the only choice these girls had was to marry these losers who can't find wives their own age. Grrrr.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

That is so sad. Sad that her child will probably do the same thing, unless she had a boy.

Lord, I hope she had a boy.

Frannie said...

so sad and horrible!

Tarasview said...

Anonymous said...

I watched that show!!! Horrifying! I couldn't believe that girl. And her mom!!! Holy cow. I swear I heard banjo's playing in the background.

So sad.

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Angie said...

I'll advertise YOUR site on my site. Oh wait. .. I already DO that, don't I? LOL


There is a wonderful show on the N...I think it is "Noggin" it is Nickelodeon for teens. The show is called "Queen Bees". It is 12 mean girls who are competing to see who can change the be NICE. (They didn't know that was why they are there...) They were nominated by friends/boyfriends/family. I think you would like it.


ps that is so cute how allie thought the mother was EVER a "bride".

Stephanie said...

I watched that too! Oh I was so sad for her, I think I screamed some of the same things at her. I also watched the one on polygamy and mistresses tha same night. It's an interesting show.

Mikey said...

Ain't that the truth? So sad. A man who beats you is one you should run from.
In my (lol) infinite wisdom at age 35, I've decided I'm going to marry the man who makes me laugh the most. Secret to a good marriage? LAUGH and laugh some more.
Me and the hubs last night had a good one. Child was at one grandmas when the other grandmother showed up here. Long story but a strained relationship. We spot her, our eyes get wide, he says NO, I have go do SOMETHING - ANYTHING. I say NO, I GET TO GO, it's YOUR MOTHER and we both twist and grapple our way out the back door to avoid her (I know, that's very mean) but we laughed the whole dang time!
Marriage should be fun dang it. Not violent.

BandK said...

Coal Miner's Daughter up there commented that these guys marry these young girls because these losers can't find wives their own age.

Ummm, no.

I beg to differ. I'm thinking that they just like little girls. Ewwww. You know, in a pervy way. ::shudder::.

KiKi said...


Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I saw this one and it was just awful! It made me cry!

Devon said...
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Devon said...
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Devon said...
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Devon said...

wow--i've never heard of that show... its definitely very sad!
:( you wonder what goes through these people's heads??!

Captain Steve said...

I know a girl who's going back home soon to get married. To a guy her and her family will pick when they get there. I just hope my jaw didn't drop like a rube's when she started talking about her arranged marriage. She's happy about it. I'm happy she gets some input.