Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Here's an interesting question.

I was getting some hits from here so I went to investigate and found some press about my book.

So that's awesome and I so appreciate any mention of it, but I have to admit I kind of chuckled about the wording of the press release about being 'well-known'. My publisher's marketing department and I emailed back and forth about it and she had her reasons for wording it that way (based on blog hits, I think). I'm cool with it either way, but I wonder.

What would make you consider a blog well-known?

Dooce, I am not. And never hope to be because, dude. She totally lost her job over blogging.

But what do you think?


Jill said...

I don't know. I really don't. I condsider you well known because somehow I found you. and I know, like no one. Not sure if you have me linked or not, but if you do..
Please update your link if you have one to my new site. I got tired of doing two sites. I also need more hits to make sure I can continue blogging for spare bits of cash now and then, and I need the links for that, so.... if you please...

Boriqua said...

I think a blogger can be considered well-known when you can just say the blog's name and people go, "Oh, I read that/know him/her." I think you're well-known locally, at least. And that's something.

Dooce is a rarity -- not because she lost her job because of her blog, but because she makes a full-time living off of it.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I took a peek there and I think the issue is that you're not a well known local blogger. As you said, you only attended your first local get together recently. You are well known online though. I figure anyone who has a daily readership above 100 or so qualifies for that. To grab the title of Famous Blogger would require significantly more though, I think.

So yes, to sum up. Well Known? Yes. Well Known in Knoxville? Not so much. Yet.

Dawn~a~Bon said...

I'm far too biased to answer this, since I've known for years that you're Miss Thang.


Denise said...

Yeah I think that you are well known. I used to be well known before I went private.My friend Lynn likes to say that I am famous but I am so not. I did get approached in target though hahah.

Suzy said...

Hell, I'd sell my family to a gypsy to make Dooce's 6 figure income.

SJINCO said...

I think you and your blog are a big deal, especially to those that read every day.

And to those that aren't familiar with you? They will be in due time..... SUCKERS. They are really missing out!

Thalassa said...

Hey, anybody who makes it to Ask And You Shall Receive's Top-Rated list is well known, and rightly so. Good on ya!

Anonymous said...

I went and read it and all I can say is, "Dude. Sorry about your penis"

We all love you!