I'll give you a minute to imagine the utter sexiness that is the Mary Jane Croc.
Better than that even...behold!

I know, right?
So I did what everyone in my personal situation would do, I suppose.
I took the biggest stapler we had and STAPLED THE SIDE OF MY SHOE TOGETHER.
And then I had to wear it home? And the little pointy parts of the staple stabbed me the whole time.
And Jason said, "Good GOD Stephanie! Buy some new shoes!" and I said, "But these are okay..."
I'm not really an engineer, I just play one on the internet.
Perhaps you should have turned the stapler around so that the pointy parts were on the outside?
Just a thought. ;-)
Miss-Miss has those in sparkly pink. With Princess Aurora on the top. And flower Jibbitz.
She rocks the castle, baby!
We bought those for my mom and my mother-in-law already had a pair.
Today I wore the oversized ballet flats that we bought when I was pregnant and swollen. One came off in the rainy street and I stepped on the ground.
Fun times.
You and I were twins born a couple years apart and separated at birth. Or...something that makes slightly more sense.
This happened to my regular crocks. I MacGyvered a new snap with a paperclip and some glue. I got a whole nother month out of them! What we won't do to save $20 shoes...
Oh I'm the same. I'm 34 years old and I still wear sandals I had in high school. My winter shoes were bought in 2001 and I've been saying I was going to replace them for about the last 3 years.
One thing I am not is a shoe collector. I actually find it SO hard to find shoes I like, I rarely bother trying.
I have never once tried on a pair of clogs... I am afraid. My mother bought a pair of the high heeled ones... and she never takes them off.
I try to keep the shoes sexy, and clogs aren't it. I am afraid one day, I will be so afraid of not having them, I will repair them with office equipment...
Steph, drop the clog. I promise it will be okay...
They make high heeled clogs? I'm afraid.
And I *heart* the croc mary janes. There is also an adorable ballet flat one I'm in lust with. They're just so comfy.
And yet I have not broken down to get some for I keep shoes until they die a pathetic death (which is just horrid) and I'm afraid I, too, would end up with a stapler and those puppies would survive MUCH longer than I should permit
I say what is wrong with a little frugal in you life? I would have sone done that too. Did that with my cell phone ( well not a staple, duck tape) until my baby ripped it apart when I thought I was safe. I would have kept that phone until my hubby ordered me a new one in disgust if she had not done it for him first. AND?... the new cell phone? Don't LIKE IT !!!! YOu go with the stapled crock ( just fix the staple with some super glue)
From what I've heard, that's a totally engineer sorta thing to do. Hee hee.
I would have done the same thing, but would have added some tape on the inside over the pointy parts of the staple. Keep them a few more months til this years go on sale. ;)
ha ha ha i have some croc like shoes for work that are non slip and one of my side holder things broke so i zip tied it back together for it to break after 8 months and poked a hole through the shoe in another spot and zip tied it together too LOL
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