Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My adulthood should be revoked.

Do you ever get just completely bogged down with all the things you want to do?

I do. Nearly every single day.

I have these really huge ideas, see? And they all seem to come to me at one time and I get really excited and overwhelmed and it becomes just completely ridiculous.

As I’ve mentioned, we’ve been talking about moving for a while now. Okay, almost as long as we’ve lived here actually. But we just haven’t done it, for about a zillion reasons, none of which are valid or make much sense. It’s always really stupid reasons and we always talk ourselves out of things with lame-o excuses like, “Well, we don’t know if the housing market is good now.” As though we have any ability whatsoever to gauge such things.

Anyway, I was looking at the Sunday paper and came across the real estate section. I half-heartedly browsed it and came upon a house that was an OH-MY-SWEET-LORD kind of price. It was a foreclosure apparently, with 2090 square feet, a freaking INGROUND pool, a flat, fenced in backyard, and various other things that made me clutch my chest and shout, “OH MY FREAKING COW, CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT A GOOD PRICE THIS IS!?”

So Jason says, “Do you want to buy it?”

We haven’t even LOOKED at this house yet, nor do we have any idea where it’s physically located. But this is how we roll.

So I said that before committing to purchase this property, perhaps we should find out where it is. And so I did an internet search and it wasn’t where I wanted to be.

But I did find OTHER properties which were closer to where I wanted to be.

So we went and looked at them.

And then we got home and I decided it’s really been some time since we’ve taken a vacation (wait…have we ever taken a vacation?) and wouldn’t it be fun if we could all go to the Tennessee Aquarium? Because I saw a commercial for the Tennessee Aquarium and it looked like so much fun! So I started looking up the information online about that.

And while I was looking I decided that wouldn’t it be cool if we could go to Las Vegas and see that Beatles show? The one that I keep seeing the commercials about (and the one that my husband has mentioned, no less than twenty times, how much he’d like to see)? So I looked up flight information.

Then, since I was on a roll, I thought about how fun it would be if we could all go to Disney World when the kids are on Fall Break (and by the way, what the crap is “Fall Break” about? We didn’t get Fall Break when I was in school!), so I looked up pricing on that. Because, you know, my children are freaking deprived! They are nine years old and have never been to Disney freaking World and soon they are going to be out of the house and not love me anymore and I will have NEVER TAKEN THEM TO DISNEYWORLD! I am a horrible mother!

Then, because I’m such a horrible mother, I started thinking about summer camps and after-school programs. And I decided that maybe I would put my kids in this Taekwondo after-school program? Because the after-school program they are in now blows goats? So I had to look up the information on that too.

So within a few hours, I had us set up to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in housing, vacations, and childcare.

Today I’m absolutely sick of all of it and don’t want to think about it anymore.

I do things like this, all the time. All. The. Time.

Also? I ate popcorn for breakfast. Because nothing else sounded good.

Also? My co-worker came and gave me his prescription antihistamines and I totally took one without even asking any questions whatsoever.

And then? I said something along the lines of, “Oh my God, we are completely hosed.” Really, really loudly. And also, I might have used the f-word in some portion of that statement. In front of, guess who? The Project Manager. Because just saying it in front of co-workers would not be enough humiliation, I have to make a complete asshat of myself in front of the really important co-workers.

I’m surprised I’m allowed to walk around without supervision.


Denise said...

Ah chick you slay me lol.

Alpha Dude said...

Dare to Dream.....

Happy Working Mom said...

It's fun to think about going on trips and moving to great houses. I've been on Expedia multiple times planning trips that I never go on :)

Lizarita said...

You need some organization to that madness honey! (says the chicky who can organize her associates sales trips in 2.5 seconds but has no concept of it at home.)
And hey? Popcorn for breakfast is better than a meatloaf frozen dinner for breakfast, right?

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

lol, I am 20-something, teehee, and I have never been to Disney World, so I'm going before my kids get to go. I'm so the Mother of the Year, I know!

Also, I had cake for breakfast yesterday.

You made me laugh and I was having a very very bad day so far. Ok, it's still a bad day, but I laughed.

Julie said...

Maybe you should start small - just do one of those things? I flit around all the time on things as well - like the trip for London that I've been saying for 2 years we're going on soon.

PinkCat said...

You sound like me. Its all or nothing babe. lol

I hope you fulfill some of those wishes.

Take care xx

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Your internet researching rampage had me giggling like a madwoman. I do that all the time too. The things I've done in my head with the aid of websites..and completely freaked my husband out with when he comes home from work at the end of the day.

I have something called my "Jar of Dreams". I write down wishes/goals, whatever...put 'em in the jar. I pull one out at random and work just on it. Hasn't solved the problem, but it's curbed it somewhat. =)

Anonymous said...

I do searches like that, too. I think it is normal. LOL

Patiently waiting said...

I know exactly how you feel; everytime I get an idea and start searching on the internet I find myself getting way off track. Sorry the house is not where you wanted it to be, but it sure sounded awesome. Asshat? lol at that one :-)

Amy W said...

You are not alone. I do stuff like that all.the.time.

Scary, but true!

Creamy Silver said...

I love popcorn any time, any day. Breakfast is my favorite meal. Popcorn for breakfast sounds almost perfect.

Call me next time. I'll bring the 1100 calorie buttery topping. It's my chardonnay.

Anonymous said...

I research vacation homes in Colorado and Hummers and I like inappropriate foods for breakfast, like Cadbury Cream Eggs.

And I told my boss about my poop issues.

And by some's standards that doesn't make me an adult?

Which if that's the case, then maybe we don't want to be adults, Chick, because they sound like a really boring bunch.

Anonymous said...

Blows goats??!! KILLING me...

I'm twenty-*beep beep* years old and I've never been to Disney :) Wanna take me, too?

Popcorn for breakfast isn't bad...there's a chance I had cake. :)

EE said...

Girl, we are soul sisters!!! This is totally me!!! Glad I'm not alone in the world anymore:)

Jocelyn said...

Is it too late to get you on the next season of "The Apprentice"? Because I think the Trump Organization could really use your kind of wild creativity.

Bethany said...

Breakfast? Who's got time for breakfast?

Today's obsession- finding a new grill. Multiple web sites later, I'm reading blogs.

my4kids said...

lol I had to laugh I am so bad with that also. It drives the hubby insane in the membrane! I'm lucky to have him to ground me otherwise all hell would break loose, seriously.....
I tell people its my ADD I can't focus on just one thing at a time. I need millions and I go way to far in each of these plans to figure them out then suddenly all is changed....I want to do this next. Back and forth hubby just looks at me like I'm nuts....

frannie said...

I swear I feel like it invasion of the body snatchers when I read your posts. I could have written this very post- just change the names and places.

I love you! (because I love myself- so I have to love you since we are exactly alike. except you're cute!)

dennis said...

you and wife.imp would be like soooo on the same wave length!

Her favorite activity? Looking up housing on the internet...

Shanilie said...

Coming from a woman who has lists everywhere and am constantly checking things off I think it is safe to say the things keep piling up. I don't think I will ever have all of my lists taken care of all at one time :( There is just so much to do in a day I feel like I can barley keep things afloat half of the time. If i'm dressed that alone gives me a sense of accomplishment in my day lol.

Wow, that foreclosed house sounded really nice. That is definitely the way to go. You can usually get more for your money that way. One of my relatives is hoping to get a foreclosed house. Good luck with your future search~

p.s. you must be feeling down...popcorn for breakfast?! I can barley eat that as a snack when I am trying to eat something healthy :S

CPA Mom said...

Can I go to Disney with you?

and dude, can I tell you, you have "made it" - 22 comments - I almost didn't leave one because when they reach the "superblogger" level, I am all like, well my itty bitty comment won't matter she has so many others already that are more profound anyway...

Anonymous said...

I think you mentioned Weight Watchers on your blog somewhere - if you are on WW, then I can tell you first hand that when you can't eat all day (like I like to) then the next best thing is to occupy yourself with mindless wandering on the internet! I have to keep myself busy or I wind up in the kitchen. Thankfully, you provide excellent reading material which helps me avoid mundane things like laundry, cleaning, and educational activities with my kids. ;) Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

You know what...it's better to do all of these things than to wake up one day and say why didn't we. BTW..I Heart the new layout!

velocibadgergirl said...

Just so you know...My parents never took me to Disney World and I turned out okay. I'm not even in therapy!

LOVE the new look!

Not as much as I love you, but it is pretty sweet.


frannie said...

look at you goin' and gettin' all fancy on us!


Jhianna said...

I'm surprised I'm allowed to walk around without supervision.

You made me snort water out of my nose on that one - you put it perfectly and I wonder that about myself all the time!

ps - nice site design change, love the banner

SJINCO said...

Are we twins? I do this stuff all the time. I so wish I had a one-track mind sometimes. I might just get stuff done that way!

Gerbil said...

My kids never went to Disney. (Maybe that explains the Gerbson???) And um... that sounded like a typical hour and a half in my life.

Also? I ate popcorn for DINNER on Tuesday night.