Monday, October 29, 2007

Blogger hates me.

I can't upload any pictures tonight. Fantastic!

Our MGM adventure will have to wait until tomorrow.

Having to wait makes me want to run around and go, "BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!"

But I do that anyway. So it's hard to tell if I'm upset or not, I guess.

Until tomorrow...


Dreamer said...

Hey....I'm with you on that. "Blah Blah Blah!"

I want to see MGM pictures!


Hopefully tomorrow.

frannie said...

want me to come over there and beat up Blogger for ya?

Anonymous said...

I'll think of it as intermission in the movie. Let's go to the lobby & have ourselves a snack.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I wish I could email you one of the cookies I just made. Yummmm....

Patiently waiting said...

Stupid blogger! I guess we'll all have to learn patience :-)

Angie said...

It will just make the pictures even sweeter when we get to see them.

Glass half-full.... :)

LeBlanc said...

Blogger used to hate me too, so I went to Wordpress and love it.

SJINCO said...

Oh no!!!!