Doesn't he look both handy and dandy? He is!
I got this product from the fine folks at Hopscotch Technology. And you can get one too. I'll tell you how in a minute, but first, let me tell you about BOB.
This is a product designed to help you limit your children's television, video games, or other electronic device that they might have a little too personal of a relationship with. I'll be totally honest: when I got the email regarding this product I thought to myself,
"I totally don't need that."
Because? Basically, my voice is my weapon in limiting my children's time on television. Basically I say, "Turn it off or I'll cut you." And they do! It's totally weird.
However, it did serve it's purpose quite well for me. Because? In addition to my many other charming attributes? I'm a complete flake. I just totally forget what I'm doing all the time. So this product helps because I guarantee you if I say to Boy Child, "Fifteen more minutes", I will have forgotten that I told him that in like, twelve seconds. Boy Child is not going to remind me either.
So, it worked really well for that.
Also? It was very easy to use and set up. Even for someone who is not exactly technologically advanced, such as myself. I mean, I can MAKE the VCR stop flashing 12:00, but it takes me a while to do so. This? Not so much. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
You know you would like one too! And you can win one! Leave me a comment before November 5th and I will randomly select one person to win a FREE BOB! Really, I'll make it totally random. I'll put your names in a hat and have Girl Child draw one out. Or something.
Also? If you want to order one, you can get 10% off until November 5th by using the code: JasonforBOB. Hey, and I noticed on the website right now shipping is free this week only, so this could be a really sweet deal for you. Christmas is only 8 weeks away!
Be sure you leave a comment if you are interested! Good luck because this thing is pretty darn cool.
I am one of the worst mothers in the worldwhen it comes to that. I dont believe in limiting t.v time. there I said it. It's true. We are all t.v heads. That's not to say that we dont enjoy doing other things. But the t.v is always on, always.
Mm-hmm. Free dollars and free cents is my favorite price to pay for things. I know there are folks out there that are all, "No! I must pay full price for everything!" But that's not me. I'm all about the free. Or the sale.
I'm about other things too. Cheapness is just one of my many virtues.
I would LOVE Bob and make sure he had a good home! In trade, I hope that Bob would get some control over the Gillmore Girls marathons that seem to take place constantly around here.
I like free! :)
Oooh, I want one! I could use it to ensure that Brad does not play video games when he's in trouble :-)
this is one of those .."we ARE in the future moments"
Gosh darn it to BOB I want one of those for I am a sinner when it come to the boob tube.
Please, oh please, randomly select me.
Hugs xx
I'm interested! I will put your link up with Amy's
My kids' educational future depends on Bob. When we're home, they're like zombies in front of the tv:(
Pick me. Pick me.
oh this would be so wonderful.. i always tell the kids "only an hour of tv" but then i get wrapped up on a business call or working and lose all track of time.
we could really use a man around the hosue
But....But...what about BOB ????
okay, maybe I'm a little dumb but what the hell does it do? I tried clicking on the picture but nothing happened and then I tried searching bob on the internet but you can imagine what that came back with. So, just curious, what is it?
You know, we wonder why our children's attention spans are so short, but look at us as par...wait, hold on, I gotta go do something...
Okay, what was I saying? I forget. Oh, well.
Cool gadget, that BOB. (Although, they REALLY should have thought up a different name.)
Me please?
And I love the name.
Count me in please;).
My birthday is tommorrow....hint hint;). What a cool gadget!!
Oooh, this sounds like fun!
Hi everybody!
To Allison and anyone else interested: you can click on the very first BOB in the post and it will take you to the website. I copied and pasted this info directly from the website:
• Plug BOB into any electronic device with a screen
• Manage time for up to six users
• Once kids reach hourly, daily or weekly limits, BOB shuts off the screen
Thanks for playing along! :)
Everything I do is random... Can you be THAT random???
oh, wow. I would like the BOB.
I love the concept of bob. especially being a space cadet. That and my son doesn't understand "off or i'll cut you" just yet. ;)
I'm still chuckling over the name but we've been laughing at that for weeks haven't we? ;)
I'd be interested....I'm a pushover by myself...
p.s. try random.org for picking your winner. xoxo
Don't enter me in as you know I have one...maybe I can get my BOB to talk to your BOB...
My 3-year old's future self is begging you to pick my name!
Girl child, pick me! Pick me! And I'll give you unlimited TV priviledges...
You had me at free. And, Girl Child: You know how I'm always giving your props, right?
My girl children would love you forever if you picked me... or not. ;-)
Free good!!!
So, here's my comment.... As you know, I like free stuff. Similarly, I like stuff that will inhibit my husband and BoyCousinChildC from playing almost constant video games. Also, I like the idea that my name might be in a hat in which GirlChild will put her sweet little hand.
I love the code JasonforBob!! It's like BOB is running for president and Jason is totally endorsing BOB. BOB in '08!
everyone else is doing it... so I guess I will too... PICK ME PICK ME...
Side note and not to make you pick me or anything like that but I truly enjoy your blog and read it everyday you have a new post up!
You are so funny and witty and HIGH FIVE for being a girl scout leader... I am a lifetime member of Girl Scouts and love every minute of it!
That is pretty gosh-darn cool, I must say. We solved that whole "I forget in twelve seconds thing" in our house (because for me it might actually happen in more like 5 seconds) by mandating timer usage.
If they don't use the timer, they lose X-box privileges for the whole week. Same if I find out that they "accidentally" set it incorrectly. That seems to have worked. It took some time to sink in, but after the first 3 times of losing an ENTIRE week of privileges, I think they knew I was serious. Now it seems to be second nature to set the timer if they want to play.
But BOB is pretty cool, too, I must say.
My BOB arrived in the mail yesterday and I'm hooking him up this weekend! I'm excited to see how it all works, it sounds great!
Don't count me in on the give away, because you know, I have one.
Good luck to all those participating!
Oh I'll leave a comment since the first thing Saoirse does is turn onm the TV. But would somehow screw with my TV time which is like the other 16 hours a day?
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