Sunday, November 25, 2007

I can't stop with the photos!


Today we put up our Christmas tree, which is quite a production in our house.

It turned out pretty okay though.

Even Ginger the Amazing Wonder Dog enjoyed it.

A lot.

Here's the tree, all glowy and pretty.

And here's a super-crazy one, because I have a "Fireworks" setting on my camera. Zany!

Christmas is only a month away. Sweet Lord!


frannie said...

We put up our tree, too! I did my post about it as well.

we are so sisters!

M said...

I am jealous that your tree (and frannies!) is up. I just posted shit on craigslist and got a headache instead. Poo.

Your tree=fab. And could that girlchild look any more like you if she tried? Sweet cod she's beautiful. And those other two? send. them. to. me.


SJINCO said...

Yay! You got your tree up! Looks great, and so do the kids (and dog!).

Angie said...

Wowza. Love the fireworks tree. We got a new digi-camera for Chrismtas. . .it has that setting, too.

Dreamer said...

Your tree is up? Wow. I don't even own a Christmas tree yet. Oh, well! :) Nice pics!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I don't blame you for makin' with the pictures. Why wouldn't you want to show off those fabulous kids every chance you get? The last pic? Sooooo nifty!

AnnieM said...

Girlchild has the best. dimples. ever! Let her know, would you?

Anonymous said...

A fireworks setting? Was this the first time you used it?

EE said...

Jeez Louiz...I don't think I've ever seen luch a large angel!
Darling photos!!!

Anonymous said...

Christmas? Are we doing that again this year? Holy cow, I better get moving...

Anonymous said...

You got such cute kids...but I'm sure you knew that:o)
And your tree looks great!

CPA Mom said...

Our tree is up too!! But I'm lame - I forgot to take a picture of it!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love the fact that your tree's angel is almost as big as the tree! And that last pic? It looks like the tree is on fire, probably from the large angel lighting one of its ginormous farts! ;)

I love your tree. I love your kids. I love the wonder dog. I love you.

Any day with Chick family pics is a good day.

Mrs. Booms said...

I can't even think about the tree until next weekend. My pea-brain is all used up. You are super mom.

my4kids said...

Ooh I want to put a tree up now but hubby says not yet! Boo to the hubby....
Your kids are so cute in those pics and I agree on girlchilds dimples!

Bearette said...

Thanks for stopping by! It's so funny that your dog is named Ginger...we have that picked out as a baby name!

Alpha Dude said...

I put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving.

My wife thinks I'm weird.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Still don't have my tree up!! Hopefully Saturday. Hopefully.