I love reading. I will read nearly anything put in front of me and can generally find at least some redeeming qualities about it even if it's just a, you know, farm report. I'll still be like, "But the way he talked about those cows was really nice!"
This book? I so don't have to pretend. I love this book. I love this book. Did I mention I love this book? Because I LOVE THIS BOOK.
The Daring Book for Girls by Miriam Peskowitz is the handbook that I wish I owned when I was ten. It is the perfect antidote to all those books that I did read, which attempted to teach me how to be a lady. It is also the perfect antidote to my mother who insisted that I would never find a husband if I couldn't cook lasagna and enjoy NASCAR racing on a regular basis. The cooking I managed to master. The NASCAR? Not so much. And I still found a man, so HA!
What I loved most about the book is while it is hugely campy and fun, there is also real, actual information in here. There is some "fluff", but it is delightfully tempered with things like, "How to change a flat tire" and "Karate moves". It is a real book for real girls and the kind of life-handbook I want for my own daughter as well as my Girl Scout troop. Reading the book made me wish that every girl understood that it's okay to a girl and like pink and every bit as okay to maybe not like pink or like pink and also kick butt and take names and climb trees and change your own oil in your car.
Actually? I wish I had this book when I was going through a divorce.
So deep is my love for this book? I bought TWO copies for other people. Seriously. I love this book. I love this book. I FREAKING LOVE THIS BOOK.
Read it. Love it. Share it with a girl in your life.
See what other's are saying about this book at MotherTalk.
Did I mention I love this book? Because I do.
I saw that book today, and thought about thumbing through it. :)
Now atleast I know what it's about, I won't be so wary of it.
i've heard great things about this book! can't wait to read it.
I'll have to check that one out.
I'm on it.
. . .but I love NASCAR. What does that say about me?
Oh...a book recommendation...LOVE IT. I'll trade you one in a similar vein. I loved it so much I bought 7 copies and inscribed them to my bestest girlfriends.
"I Know Just What You Mean: The Power of Friendship in Women's Lives" by Ellen Goodman and Patricia O'Brien. Talk about manuals on life! This was an awesome read...I highly recommend it.
I'll definitely add this to my must-read list. I saw a martial arts demonstration over the weekend and have been looking into signing my daughter up. I was a so-called tomboy growing up, though you'd never know looking at me now. I want a kick-ass daughter!!
So much is my respect for you, that I will buy this book for the young girls in my life before having read it myself.
Which I will, in fact, do.
Did you read the boy's version? I saw them both & wondered what they were about. Great book report!
Great review! I've seen this floating around the blogosphere, and from what I can tell it's a fantastic read!
After getting my son The Dangerous Book for Boys, which both my kids (a boy and a girl) loved, my daughter (who is decidedly a tomboy) decided she didn't want this book. Much to my disappointment. Coz I also think this book is fabulous. (she had a rummage through it - but she balked at it being much smaller than the boy's book AND she defo wasn't interested in the girly things. At all). :(
Anyone wondering about the The Dangerous Book for Boys? Just know now that it is AMAZING. It has everything in it boys want to know about, well - being boys. From making a bow and arrow, to constructing a trap to catch a wild rabbit......to making fishing poles, etc.
I love to read as well. Though I am quite picky about what I read and usually go through spurts.
This book has a beautiful cover and name. I haven't ever heard of it before, but I would love to check it out!
I am definitely getting this book!! As hard as it may be for me to believe, Kaylie will need this within the next year or two.
I have The Dangerous Book for Boys which was written prior to this book. It's just as awesome. I've looked through this one and actually plan on buying hopefully this weekend!
I love it too!! I just finished my review to go up on the 3rd and I really feel I didn't do it justice..it's that good!
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