Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The weirdest thing ever happened last night.

I was sitting on the couch, shuffling through piles of pictures from Disney World. I'm making a scrapbook of them as a Christmas gift for someone and I took SO FREAKING MANY pictures that it just made sense to weed through them so this person does not end up with a 2000 page scrapbook.

I came across a picture, the one that is my profile photo now, and I stopped.

And I thought, "Wow. I actually look pretty."

Then I was like, "What the hell?"

Because seriously? I'm being totally serious here. I don't think I can recall a time, ever that I thought to myself that I looked pretty. On my wedding day I looked like a polar bear. On the day I gave birth to my children, I looked like I was dead. On the day I was born? I was all bloody and gross.

I've never, ever, EVER thought I looked pretty. Ever.

I held the picture up to Jason and said, "See this picture?"

He took it. Studied it. And then said, "My face looks weird in it."

I sighed. "NOT YOU! Look at me!"

He looked. Said nothing.

I said, "I think I look pretty in that picture."

He smiled. "You do!"

I said, "Jason. This is the first time I've ever, EVER thought I looked pretty in a picture."

And he replied, "Well. It's about time."

And you know? I think he's right.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I have never been able to say "I look pretty in this picture." The closest I get is, "I don't look so terrible in this picture." And when I look at your profile picture up close, while you do look pretty, it's the happiness I see in your entire family that makes the picture so great.

Kim said...

He *is* right. I know what you mean, though. I am the same way when it comes to looking at pictures of myself.

Anonymous said...

You're very pretty, Chick. I've always thought so! :)

Dawn~a~Bon said...

I wish I could see the pic and not just a big red X, but I'm sure you DO look pretty in that pic, because you ALWAYS look pretty.

I've seen maybe five pictures of myself that I like, ever. I know how you feel!

AnnieM said...

Hell to the YES!
Amen Jason.

KiKi said...

You're kidding me, right?? Wow... your humility is probably why you're so beautiful. And Jason knows it. Good for you for finally seeing it.

Mrs. Booms said...

It is about time... Because you are very pretty. I mean your hair and eyes alone are things people would kill for. Live it up lovely.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We very much have this in common. I had my first pretty moment about two months ago.

It's life altering.

Congrats on having achieved this. It's a big, big deal. So happy for you!

frannie said...

I know he's right.

and I'm glad that the time came.

Girl from Pennsylvania said...

I think Jason just took a little piece of my heart!

CPA Mom said...

You're damn right it's about time. You are freaking gorgeous and don't you forget it. I wish I looked like you instead of me. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

I have always thought you were pretty, and it's about time you see that too:o)

Anonymous said...

Huh. A man who's right. That's got to be a first.

But in this case, he couldn't be any more right. I'm glad you finally see what we all see.

Twisted Cinderella said...

I'll bet his response made you smile. I know it made me smile.

Angie said...

He is SO right, he has no LEFT!!

Anonymous said...

You are so incredibly, 100% wrong. You are SO NOT PRETTY. You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Your hair is all flowy & lovely and your smile is just lighting up your whole countenance. You're absolutely LOVELY.

And, honey-chile, you ain't the only one. I can't have pictures taken of me because I look like an old, dead, beached whale covered in dried out seaweed. Amazing how our perception of ourselves is 180 degrees from the rest of the world's, huh?

anne said...

Stumbled across your blog somehow - and yes, I will echo those above me. You are lovely! And it is a big deal to realize such a thing. I've only lately been feeling sort of kind of ok-looking lately myself. I'm so glad you've had this moment - I hope you wake up every day henceforth and know that you are beautiful.

Unknown said...

Great pic! And I agree with the others - he was totally bang on right with that comment.

Anonymous said...

FINA-FREAKIN'LLY! You see what we've alllllll been yapping away about.

Chick. For the love of God.



OMG everyone gather your water jugs and generators...the world is coming to an end...The Chick just admitted she's pretty...I'm telling you, it's Y2K, 7 years late (or would that be 8 years late?)

Your family looks adorable!

Alpha Dude said...

I agree with Jason.
You are very pretty and it is about time you stopped denying it.


Denise said...

aWW Chick sometimes I just heart you. Oh gosh I almost sound stalkerish dont I???

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! I'm so excited. We all know you are perfect, too!

SJINCO said...

You and him are both right! You are very pretty my dear.

Dreamer said...

He is so right! You are right too! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Now share your secrets with me.

EE said...

You don't look pretty...you look gorgeous!!!
Good for you, girl!!!

Anonymous said...

When I first saw this photo? I thought you looked really pretty too.

So. You're right. You do look pretty.


my4kids said...

I've always been the same way about my pictures.
You are right you are pretty in that picture!

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

The photo of you is quite lovely.

I think most women think the way you do. I know I do. I can't think of the last time I liked the way I looked in a photo. Oh, wait, it was three or four years ago. Sad...

Edie said...

That Jason... What an AWESOME man you have!!

He's totally right. You are beautiful. I'm glad you are starting to realize it!! :)

Jamie said...

You are so silly. Of course you are pretty---we all see it. And yes, it's about time you did too. :)

Ry said...

I think you're beautiful!

M said...

Your Disney pics were exceptionally great but I've NEVER seen an un-pretty pic of you. I'm glad you found one that shows you just what you look like to the rest of us you hot mama you! xoxoxo

Bethany said...

I'm thinking book jacket photo.

Julie said...

Oooo, I like Bethany's thinking!

But I know exactly what you mean. Others may tell you you are pretty but we all need to see it for ourselves now and then. Me, when I get a good picture that thing goes everywhere! I'm thinking xmas card photo for you!!

Happy Working Mom said...

You are pretty, and I know no matter how many times we tell you that, you still need to believe it for yourself. I hope you will now start believing :)

Nina Diane said...

awwww...well of course you're pretty!

Wenderina said...

Could you have any more "Awwwwww, that is so sweet!" moments in your life???

Anonymous said...

You know what's funny? The first time I saw that picture of you, I thought the same exact thing. I thought "wow, she is really pretty."

One mind, Chick, one mind...

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Hell yeah it's about time!! I think you are gorgeous!