Saturday, February 23, 2008

Should I stay or should I go?

When the going gets tough, should the tough run like hell?

Because I'm considering it.

We've been in Tennessee for a little over three years now. My children have went to the same school for a previously unheard of three grades in a row. I got my degree and got a job. I make more money now than I ever have. Sadly, that's not saying much. But I feel like I keep moving forward. Or keep trying to move forward anyway.

Lately, there have been a lot of setbacks, which I have whined about at length.
I've applied for a crapton of new jobs. I've heard nothing.


I have a bit of a problem with having itchy feet. I don't like to stay in one place for very long. It's amazing to me that I've been here for this long. I'm always looking for something else. I don't know if this is good or bad, honestly. It just is what it is.

And right now? I want to be somewhere else.

I don't know where. I don't know what I would do. I know that I have things like a house to sell and, you know, a job here and not in some other place. I'm not going to just run off or something.

But I'm finding that I want to.

I really, really want to.


Allie said...

I totally understand, right now I feel like this isn't where I'm supposed to be, unfortunately, I don't know where I'm supposed to be. I wish someone could just tell me what to do, it scares me to make huge decisions like that.
If I find the book of answers I will be sure to share it with you.

Nacho Lover said...

You are good person, you have a wonderful family, and good things WILL HAPPEN, because you deserve them. I just know it. Keep the faith! All of us out here in blogland will be thinking positively for you.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I agree that you have a wonderful family and you deserve good things. I believe in God. I believe in answers to prayer. But I believe sometime the answer can be an impulse. An urge. Sometimes he answers our prayers through our own strength and efforts. Sometimes if we want good things, we have to make them happen, you know? I think you're thinking along the right lines for sure.

Randi said...

I agree with everything Kimberly said.
Most of the time when I really pray hard, God points me in the direction He wants me to go. And it looks to me like you're being guided to something new!
Whatever it is, it will be a good thing!

frannie said...

atlanta is a good place to stay for awhile!!

Dreamer said...

I don't know what to tell you, hon. I have itchy feet too, so I know how you feel. I don't like to be in one place for more than a month or two, but really? If it's going to be better for you, your family and your sanity, go for it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. I understand that feeling. I think that what you feel and want makes perfect sense with all that is happening in your lives.

I will lift you up. And pray that some clarity comes to you and Jason regarding what to do.

As I always say, "Only God knows."

Military Mom said...

As a military woman, I feel the urge to move every few years. We have been here for almost 4 years, and we are aching to get to a new base! I say go with it. Take a chance, and have an adventure. You never know, you just may find your heart's desire somewhere else, if only your courageous enough to go find it. Never stagnate. Go find what you're looking for.

Alpha Dude said...

As I said before, I think it would be cool to have you guys as neighbors.

Just a hint.


Angie said...

Okay, but before you move next door to alphadude, we have to have a "family get together" at the Aubrey's on Lovell Road. . . or Middlebrook Pike. . .or Emory Road.

I'm not picky.

EE said...

You should find a job in Missouri...come be my neighbor!


BC and GC rock and evidently live through moving. Will they miss Gretel? I do! I used to move and move...I found my home in Las Vegas, NV...good luck to you\

ps do you really let them say "ass" whenever they want?

my4kids said...

Really that is partly how we ended up moving to Alaska. I can't stay in one place very long either especially if everything around me makes me want to leave.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

I've always been one for the wanderlust. And of course, when things suck out loud, it always seems like a good idea to get up and move. I actually find myself wanting to go back to Vermont where my parents are often these days. Sometimes I even get pissed off that I'm stuck in Maine, where I moved for my husband, when he doesn't even have a job. I feel like since I'm the one making the money, I should get to choose where we live God Damn IT! I know, I'm selfish.....

I'm not sure what you do for work, but would you be able to start your own buisness doing it? Maybe you and Jason together? That could be a drastic fresh start....

Anonymous said...

I used to be tickled with wanderlust but somehow it has left me. I feel secure with where I am and what I'm working towards. Maybe you just haven't found it and until you do you just might have to go. I would understand that.

so tired said...

Maybe you need to start researching where in the country has a need for your field of expertise and your husband's too. Compare that against one of those lists of great places to live for whatever it is that would fit your family.

Then start figuring out how much a move would cost and how your children would feel about it.

If your children are on board it could be just what your family needs.

Joy T. said...

Canada is good. Canada is very VERY good right now. For accountants and....well I'm sure for whatever it is you do too. Scary thought to just up and change, but sometimes you really have to follow your instincts. I'm a huge believer in following what my gut instincts are telling me.

Amy W said...


There is a house for sale on my street, and I know a really, really good real estate agent :).

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I know how you feel! Some days I want to get as far away from this shitty ass city as I can!

But, then reality reminds me that I can't.

SJINCO said...

Come to Colorado! It's a great place to live and a great place to raise a family. Come visit! You'll see!

Bedtime Storyteller said...

Come to St. Louis. We'd love to have you!