It has been a very long time since my husband has not had a job. It has also been a long time since my husband has been home on the weekend.
He? Had ADD as a child. Perhaps he still does.
Because this?

Is what he did to my cabinet.
Which is nice and all but this?

Is because he had to line all the fruits up based upon the level of sweetness.
No. I'm not kidding.
And then? He said, "Let me make dinner babe!"
And I was all, "Yay!" Because he used to be a chef.
But yeah.

Not so much.
Okay, had no idea about the ADD. . .but if he was ranking stuff by their inherent sweetness, you would have SO been on the far right! : )
Didn't Julia Robert's "husband" in Sleeping With the Enemy make her line up the pantry like that? Pretty soon you'll be cutting your hair all off and faking your death. HAHAHA!!
I hope he gets anoher job soon!
Whoa, hey at least he has organizational skills right?
:) Sorry, I've been there and done that, and I have no advice, LOL.
Since December Al has rearranged our pantry, his closet, our room, the cd/dvd shelf and taken a hobby in making jewelry.
I feel you.
if she didn't straighten the towels . . . who did????
Yeah, you never know how wierd they are till they are home and bored. My husband, who works from home, routinely drives me ape-shit over his little rituals and idiosyncracies. I hope he finds something soon, for his sake and yours.
Yep. That's ADD. My wife is ADD, big time. Our cabinets look pretty much like that. I don't understand the system, but it seems to work.
Be happy he is helpful. Some ADD types tend to be destructive.
Jason Rocks! He just needs to be busy. He needs something to do and if he doesn't have something to do, he will find it or create it.
Still praying for you guys. Hope you are doing well.
ok, I have my pantry organized by food type (baking on one shelf, canned goods on another) but no way is it by sweetness order.
that freaks me out a little.
Do you have enough cabinets to keep Jason busy, or will you have to start going behind him and messing them up again? Better luck to you with dinner this week!
Are you sure you aren't mixing up acronyms? Maybe a little OCD? Hmmmm? LOL
Glad to know that I am not the only person out there that would do something like that.
Notice I said "would". So far, I have manage to keep myself from doing it.
Also, when Chris cooks dinner, he...
damn, it's been so long, I don't know.
I am sory to hear that Jason lost his job. I will be praying for you all.
I have to catch up on why he doesn't have a job, but the cabinet is making me laugh and if you get sick of him, send him to my house.
By the way, just a thought, in the meantime until that job comes through, I'm sure he could make money doing this for other people.
Oh my...he's trying to feel like he's still useful to his family, eh? Ramen though?!
That looks more like OCD to me than ADD. When he is done with your house, if he does not have a job, send him to mine, I have enough disorganized crap to last years.
jason needs a hobby-- fast!
Raman? Ugh. I just PIMMALed (puked in my mouth a little.)
OMW! He needs a hobby. LMAO!
He's quite welcome to come sort out my cupboards :)
OCD indeed. OMG, you married Monk!
OMG I hate it when men think they are helping, but they really aren't. D thinks that if I am doing dishes and he comes and steps infront of me and starts taking over what I was doing, that that would be a good diea.
Have they no idea?!
PS. Ramen is a staple in all mens diets, I think. They need it to survive!
He can come over to help wiht my pantry. Right now, it's organized in a manner that allows at least two cans to hit you on the big toe for committing the crime of opening the pantry door.
I like Shar's idea. You can send him to my house any time. Maybe he could start his own Organizational Planning business?
My pantry is super organized and when my husband go in there (or kids for that matter) and mess it all up - I get super annoyed.
I'm a tad bit OCD.
Perhaps Jason is too?
And hey, you can do A LOT with Ramen I've heard.....
i'm thinkin' more like OCD. if he had been ADD, he might have STARTED to rearrange the cabinet and got distracted and left it half-done.
welcome to MY world.
Maybe, just maybe - Jason needs to start his own blog - to tell us all - about organization and the order of sweetness (with you being at the top). He's just bored and doesn't know what to do with himself. Hang in there - it can't last forever.
That boy needs a Honey-Do list STAT!
Get him moving on more productive projects like dusting and he can use his OCD to get every little corner.
I wish I could help. Taxes vary by state, yes? I'd happily pay the man to sort out our taxes. Everything is different for us this year and I have some questions that I fear the HRB weekend tax warriors can't answer.
Also, my pantry could really use some professional attention. Maybe we could negotiate a package deal?
Oh that sucks, Top Ramen! Did he at least serve fruit cocktail on the side?
So sorry to hear that Jason lost his job. Almost as sorry as I am that dinner was Top Ramen.
Oh, God....I'm so sorry to hear of your dilemma. That is tough. And I'm not looking forward to my husband's retirement. I only have til the end of this year...
I have ADHD and that's totally something I would do...LOL!
Can I borrow him? My pantry looks like shit.
Arranging by sweetness? Awesome... If we lived closer, I'd beg/bribe him to tackle my pantry and then my yarn stash. Only would he arrange the yarn by color, size, or material? :)
I don't know if that's ADD... it could be OCD because that's what I do to my cabinet too!
I just came across your blog yesterday and it's got me laughing already. Thanks for brining the humorous side of life out for us :)
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