Today, I took the girls in my Girl Scout troop to Dollywood.
If you have ever wondered what it's like to take several ten year old girls, an eight year old girl, a thirteen year old girl, and one ten year old boy to Dollywood? Well just grab the closest baseball bat and hit yourself in the face repeatedly until you forget what you were thinking.
And don't give little girls your opinion on things.
Trust me on this.
You go chick! I can't believe that a (supposedly) loving, caring mother would tell their child that they were fat. I would never think of telling my son or daughter that they are fat, stupid or anything like that. That's so wrong.
You have her mother call me, too!! Good for you!
Good for you!!! Our daughters don't have enough to deal with without having their Mother run them down too? Ugg....I have 3 daughters of my own and damn near rip out throats when someone even whispers about their weight and/or bodies.
You go girl!!
Words hurt and leave bruises on your psyche that are just as bad if not worse than fists. Someone has to stand up for those poor kids.
I spent way too many years with the same hurts.
I NEVER say anything about weight around my son or daughter, ever. Life is too short to worry about size.
Have that mom call me!
That is terrible of that mom! I would have done the same thing!
Good for you! I hope that biatch does call you, and that you deposit a word or two into her ear.
Good fir you, Chick. This actually brought tears to my eyes. I felt like this so many times and it was awful. I hope her mom does call you and I hope you give her a what for! Bitch. I can't f-in BELIEVE a mother could even say that to her child.
I'm glad you did say something! And as for the girl's mother- Maybe it's the b*&%h-slap she needs to realize what's she doing!
oh that just makes me scream with rage.
That's so sad, what kind of mother would do such a thing? It just burns me up inside to think this happens and worse happens to children everyday, innocent children. So sad, so rage filling.
That is butting in appropriately.
Good for you.
It hurts so much seeing someone hurt the same way we were.
I don't think you were inappropriate. Not at all.
Standing and clapping...whistling, too!
Isn't one of the purposes of Girl Scouts to empower young girls? If so, then I think you've done your job!
YAY for you!!!!!!
It is wonderful that you stood up for that little girl. I hope she ate lunch and corrected her mother.
You know what? That's why you're the perfect Girl Scout leader, becasue you care about these girls, and teach them how to love themselves, one of the most important lessons you could pass on. Thank God there are people like you around to butt in when needed.
My mom was always saying to me "if you just lost 10 pounds..." and thanks to that mentality, I've always believed that if I could just drop 10 pounds, or 20, etc. that life would be better. If only I'd had someone like you around when I was younger :)
Keep up the good work Chick!
It IS your business since YOU are her troop leader! Thank you for doing right by her!
Hey, we all catch a beat down every now and then, what counts is whether you're getting your ass kicked for a good cause...
Puhlease. If Twiggymom has a problem that you tried to protect HER daughter's self-esteem intact (you know, doing HER job), well TOO BAD. We have enough problems with anorexia and bullemia and at ten years old? That %#*% just doesn't even matter.
Well done, Chick.
First time reader and commenter (totally a word) Good timing too. I'm in Michigan this week and I assume you're in TN (isn't that where Dollywood is?). But I will get on an airplane and come there and kick the ever lovin shit out of that mom (I'm not sure I'm even willing to let her have that title!). Currently smoke is billowing from mine ears. Please if you can, let that poor baby girl know there are a LOT of women out here that believe she is PERFECT just as she is. And if you can that her mother is a dope.
Jesus H. I don't have children, live in the thinnest city in the US and even I am shocked that someone would say that to their own child. Tell her to call me, I've got crutches, yo,
Good for you Chick! And I'm standing in line behind the other women that want a piece of that woman that girl calls Mom.
I'm so glad you stood up for this girl. She obviously needs a positive role model in her life and it sounds like you fit the bill.
Good for you! I hope this girl doesn't listen to her mother say these things anymore.
Good for you, you did the right thing!
I love LOVE that you said that. Wow! Good for you. I would have chickened out and gone with, "Well I don't think you're fat." You rock.
Chick you rock!
You are more awesome than words!!!
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