Thursday, March 06, 2008

You can stop hitting refresh.

Nothing yet.

Well, that's not totally true. Here's what we do know.

They interviewed one other person. Jason was interviewed on Tuesday night. She was interviewed last night. Today, the person who interviewed them was meeting HIS manager to go over the interviews and decide who to hire.

Jason got a call at 2:30pm saying they were still discussing it and it would probably be tomorrow afternoon before they came to a decision.


So, it sounds like he's still being considered. So that's good, right?

Oh also? Boy Child is fine. He has a nasty knot on his head and he informed me that he didn't ACTUALLY hit his head on a was a chair. Don't even ask me how that happened.

But he's fine. So thank God for that.


Denise said...

Still hoping the J man gets the job. Good thoughts chick. The J man bahahah do you like that?

Day said...

Prayers and Prayers!!

Anonymous said...

Don't despair!

Gerbil said...

oh good lord! they need to realize that he just rocks the house and get on with it!

Dreamer said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for good news tomorrow! :)

Angie said...

still praying....

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

1) Glad boy child is okay.
2) Glad Jason is still in the running.
3) Glad that if he does get the job he'd be working for people nice enough to keep him updated throughout the hiring process.

Like Angie, still praying!

Jocelyn said...

Okay, I've been away too long. I need to read back your last host of posts now. Fingers crossed for Jason!

Kelly said...

Good Luck to Jason with the JOB!! I will keep my fingers crossed!! Your right it's a good sign that they called to tell him hopefully he will get the job!

Glad boy child is ok!

Anonymous said...

Relieved to hear BC is okay.

My son walked around with a 'permanent' knot on his forehead for the first 3 1/2 years of his life. Well, it started at around 8 mos when he was 'travelling' round furniture - then walking at 9 mos. I'm sure people used to wonder how often we slammed his head into objects....

Now? He has a scar (kinda like Harry Potter actually) on that spot on his happened when his sister encouraged him to go on a slid into an empty swimming pool. Resulted in a concussion and many stitches, me wringing my hands, and drinking LOTS of gin that night.

Hang on Chicka --- answers to your prayers ARE coming:). Have faith!! xo

Tricia said...

Hey, consider it good that they are informing him where they are in the process. They must have some interest, or else they wouldn't.

Glad Boy Child is okay!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for something like this sucks!

SJINCO said...

STILL nothing?