Saturday, March 15, 2008

You've got me knocked out, turned me inside out...

NEW POST up at Scrivel today!

Also, I know the title has absolutely nothing to do with anything. I wake up every day with a song in my head. Today, God help me, it was Paula Abdul.


Angie said...

I had to think about it for a minute, then the tune hit me! : )

Anonymous said...

I could never stand PA's music. Thanks for running that one by being so susceptible to looping music through my brain.

*must go play a cd to purge PA from head*

frannie said...

and yet ANOTHER "alike"-- I wake up everyday with a song in my head, too!

BandK said...

I LOVE your new pic!! Very nice! The other one was just . . . I don't know (or should I say idk) . . . scary, ya know?!? Edgy, maybe, but scary. LOL

BandK said...

I LOVE your new pic!! Very nice! The other one was just . . . I don't know (or should I say idk) . . . scary, ya know?!? Edgy, maybe, but scary. LOL

BandK said...

Wow somehow that last post posted twice. Weird!! Neway, i will ttyl b/c I have 2 go. heehee

Angie said...

Wow, that new pic is gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

Your new photo is c.u.t.e cute!

debi9kids said...

OK, just saw the comment you posted on A Question Of Sanity and had to come here & post just so I could say, "See, people are posting" LOL

judy in ky said...

I'll bet I'm more uncool than you are. No texting here!
Great new pic... looks very friendly (and cool!).

SJINCO said...

Straight up now tell me......!

Oh, oh, oh.