Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Knowledge is power.

Boy Child, to Jason: Dad? Is asinine like a ninja?

Jason: Um, what?

Boy Child: You know. Asinine? Is that like a ninja or a regular karate guy?

Jason: Um. What?

Boy Child: Asinine. I just need to know if they do jujitsu.

Girl Child: Assassin?

Boy Child: That's it. Ass-in's.

Jason: Um.

Boy Child: Because if they do? I'll be all like, "SWEEEEEEET!"



Patiently waiting said...

Absolutely freaking hilarious!

Angie said...

Yep - your kid's amazing!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hee hee hee! That boy child is a never ending source of hilarity!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Is he really only 10?

Cuz he sounds like he's as smart as me.....

I do adore a good boychild story.

frannie said...

how many different ways can that kid crack my ass up?

Jana said...

Boy Child is SOO Funny!

Jana said...

Boy Child is SOO Funny!

J said...

He gets his sense of humor from you, doesn't he??? :)

Kim said...

Kids crack me up!

Jenski said...

Boy Child knows the word jujitsu, but called an assassin, asinine? I wish you had a picture of the look on Jason's face. You are so lucky to be a fly on that wall!

Anonymous said...

Too. Freaking. Funny.

Anonymous said...

I love your son

Unknown said...

i heart boy child. He has the best stories.

Alpha Dude said...

I guess those are the martial arts dudes that really kick butt, eh?

I sure do dig that kid!

Tarasview said...

well... he was kinda right. Assassins are general rather asinine :)