Thursday, May 01, 2008

There is nothing profound to say here.

I've waivered back and forth about this. I've cried alone about this. I've cried in front of my therapist about this. I've cried in front of Jason about this.

The crying is getting old.

What it's come down to is this.

I either:
1) Stop writing completely
2) Stop writing anything real or true and just write about, you know, what I had for breakfast
3) Stop being afraid and just throw it out there

I hate all three of those options.

But I hate number three the least.

So here it is.

You can call me Chick. You can call me that Chick Over There. You can call me Stephanie or Steph or even Steffus.

And today, you can call me a writer.

Nice to meet you.


Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you, Stephanie! My name is Denise and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I don't have a blog but I really enjoy yours.

Nancy said...

Well HI Stephanie! I'm Nancy and have been reading your blog for several months now... you make me smile quite often. I really love your style of writing.

Hugs to you WRITER!

AndreAnna said...

How wonderful! I'm very proud of you!

CPA Mom said...

I am so VERY proud of you!

Cass. Just Curious said...

This is really something! Congratulations!

Mrs. Booms said...

You do it, Stephanie. You know I love you.

velocibadgergirl said...

You know you're my homie. xo!! So proud of you!

<3 <3 <3

J said...

What? Your real name isn't Chick? Damn, and you had me going for all that time.

I am really proud, Chick. Really.

Allie said...

Hey Stephanie, its nice to know your name even though I will probably still call you Chick out of habit (even my husband calls you Chick). My real name is Allison but I do go by Allie just not the Bear part. Glad I got that off my chest.

Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

THis is a proud bloggy moment... in fact, i feel the same right now as i did last night when my daughter was awarded player of the game, and not because she's never gotten it, but because she was FREAKING AWESOME.

And that's what you are FREAKING AWESOME! And Stephanie, it's so nice to meet you... and that was a BEAUTIFUL piece and you are a writer...

and while I'm thinking about it (as if this comment weren't long enough already) i know you scour the internet looking for writing gigs.. i wanted to share with you this site... because she finds them all and posts them for you, saving you more time for writing...


Angie said...

Nice to meet you, Steph. I read your blog all the time and think you are an amazing writer.


Dawn~a~Bon said...

I'll continue calling you Ms. Thang, cuz it makes me happy.

**HUGS** I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!

notsosmallfries said...

Congratulations! You've come out!

I'm so proud of you!

We've talked before about being overachievers getting used to the idea of average. I love your piece, reframing the concept of average as just perfect. It's so true, and sometimes hard to remember. Our small fries sure help to remind us--not just with their lives, but also to remind us to be gentle with ourselves when we start getting frustrated with our failures.

I'm so grateful to have your example with Boy Child as small fry grows. You are such a great mother as you watch and guide him through his life. I only hope to be as good a guide for small fry.

Emma in Canada said...

I don't think I wall call you Steffus, and I always called you a fantastic writer, one of the best I know. Glad you chose number 3. And I still would have read you if you had gone with 2, because I somehow think you would have made it worth my while.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Congratulations!! I am very proud of you!! You are a writer whether you believe it or not!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You are so, so loved, Stephanie. I'm so glad for you. I understand the scariness of it, I've battled that myself. But I also understand the joy of it. Opening ourselves up hurts like heck, but so much that is wonderful flows from that.

So proud of you.

HeatherAnn Fragglehead said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm proud of you, woman!

Robyn said...

That was awesome! Congrats congrats congrats! You definately deserve it!

Bethany said...

Wait- "Hot Mama" wasn't on the list!

I am so thrilled for you! Congratulations and keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine how tough this decision must have been for you. You should be so PROUD. Your writing stays with me long after I have read it and I look forward to your posts every day.

Frances said...

I don't I've commented before - but I check your blog out all the time. That was an amazing piece. You are really talented.

Dreamer said...

Well, Steph, I heart you. And, I'm proud of you. :)

frannie said...

wow! that's huge!!!

I'm so proud!

Anonymous said...

YOU are awesome!

And effective immediately, you'll no longer be known as "Chick" on my blogroll! Nice to meet you, Stephanie! :)

Patiently waiting said...

Hi, nice to meet you! Love your name as it's my name too. That's right, stepmomof2 is Stephanie.

BandK said...

Stephanie!! Yay! Nice to meet'cha. My name is Karen. You look like a Stephanie to me, probably because you remind me of my friend Stephanie.

And you ARE a writer. Or is there more news that is coming . . . ???

Anonymous said...

You should be proud!

And, you know, you actually LOOK like a Stephanie.

SJINCO said...

So, so very proud of you! What an amazing piece. You my dear, are a writer.

Congratulations. I loved it.

Fine For Now said...

You totally look like a Stephanie! Awesome!

the planet of janet said...

awesome. nice to "meet" you!

Zephyr said...

Nice to meet you, Stephanie.

So... what DID you have for breakfast?

Denise said...

Ok chica,
I already knew that your name was stephanie cuz I am coollike that.
You are a wrter so own it. I do and I dont have anything published either.

Anonymous said...

hi stephanie,i'm mandy! you rock!! i read your blog daily,and have done so for about 6 months. thank you for all you have given me. yay for you!

Anonymous said...

I check back here many times throughout the day hoping there's a new entry. Now if that doesn't make you a writer I don't know what does :)

Rock on Stephanie!!

Wenderina said...

To paraphrase some famous astronaut..."This is a small step for chick, but a giant step for Stephanie."

Anonymous said...


I have known your name for quite some time and am thrilled that you have decided to tell everyone else. The piece you wrote is amazing, because you are amazing!

Birth Sister Doula Services said...

So glad you've come out of the closet, Miss Stephanie! Welcome to the Wonderful World of Writers! So happy you're here!

And ya know what? We think you're awesome. Totally and completely. Reading your blog makes my day complete. Sometimes I savor it, like a really nice piece of chocolate that cost way more than I think it should. Other times, I keep coming back, to have "just a little more", like I do with that coffee cake that's sitting on the counter staring at me every time I go by.

Keep writing, Chick. You're one-of-a-kind, and you make life a heck of a lot more interesting for many of us!

Stephanie said...

Wow I often wondered your real name, but since I haven't met many Stephanie's, I wasn't guessing that.

Anonymous said...

Your writing is outstanding. I look forward to reading your blog and I love your sense of humor.


Yeah, I already called you that.


Anonymous said...


K said...

Congratumalations to you Miss Writer! My name is Carli and live in england, ive been reading your bolg for ages, i just love that you are so down to earth!

C xx

Charmed said...

Hi Stephanie! Nice to meet you. I'm Ronda. no blog. :-(

Anonymous said...

I? Am proud of you.

Angie said...

Hey there -- that was pretty darn cool. Of course, I've been calling you "Stephanie" for the last couple of months. And every time I do, Mark says, "You mean, That Chick, right?"

So your "name" lives on in infamy here at our house! :)

...I am proud of you.

Captain Steve said...

Hi, Stephanie! That was an excellent post.

Alpha Dude said...

I prefer to just call you "Friend".


Tricia said...

Yay! It's funny as soon as I saw your name, I had to look at your picture again to put the two together in my head.

On the way home from the doc today, I was telling my mom about you (well mostly about how I felt you were getting discouraged with the rejection letters), and she started telling her stories. I was pretty young, so I didn't remember the rejection letters. It took her years to get her first book published. Now, she has five books published. And, much to my horror (kidding, Mom, if you are reading this!) she was always the local author speaking at my jr. high!

Jenski said...

Yay! Good post. :)