Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fat Girl Bling! Hells yes!

So, since I've moved here I've lost about 40 pounds total.

Since I recommitted myself to Weight Watchers, I've lost twenty-five pounds.

So one of the things that Weight Watchers suggests is that you buy yourself rewards when you reach milestones. I figured that twenty-five pounds was worth a reward.

So here's what I got myself:

These came from Jenni K. They are having a sale, if you desire to be similarly blinged.


Anonymous said...

Okay, this just goes to show what a dirty mind I have. I took a quick look at those earrings and thought they were shapes of something else...

BandK said...

**snort** Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose mind went there. . .

Sometimes I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old. Today at work we were telling man with no arms and no legs jokes. Oh so bad, but oh so funny!! I'm so going to hell.

Anonymous said...

Yay Chick!!! Twenty five pounds is GREAT! I lost 90 pounds with WW. What I liked to do, every now and again, was find something that weighed as much as I'd lost. Go pick up a big-ass bag of flour, and tell me you don't feel great about your achievement.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, chick! Keep up the good work.

Patiently waiting said...

Wow I quickly glanced at the title of the post and thought it said "Fart girl" lol. Congrats on the weight loss I should really have my eyes checked :-)

Allie said...

Wow, that is quite an accomplishment and that is some beautiful jewelry to reward yourself. Keep up the good work and hopefully I will be celebrating weight loss with you soon.

Frannie said...

I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Purrrrdy! I'm working on the reward system too. It's lovely motivation.

Except when there are too many cookies in the house clamouring to be eaten.


notsosmallfries said...

Congrats on all the hard work! That is just an awesome accomplishment. You totally deserve the bling.

Tamar said...

I said to G and K when I saw you recently that your weight loss was really showing. Well done, you - I'm so glad that you rewarded yourself.

Tamar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarcasta-Mom said...

I'm still struggling with the weight loss train myself, so it's really inspiring to see how well you've done. You totally deserve rewards :)

Robyn said...

Good for you! You deserve the bling!!

Anonymous said...

You Rock! Congratulations!!

My best friend is on WW and she does the same thing everytime she hits a new goal.

Anonymous said...

Great job. You deserve it.

Jana said...

You rock girl! You deserve it for all sorts of things, not only your weight loss. (Which is an amazing achievement!)
Here is my list of reasons why Stephanie deserves EVERYTHING AWESOME:
-She is funny as HELL, you crack me up everyday.
-I totally want to be your friend. Like I am tempted to move to TN to hang with you.
-She's the like, the most popular girl, EVA!!!
-You are a great mom and wife.
-You are an excellent provider for your fam.
-Girl you have got rockin hair and are beautiful!!

You are so many things. Not just your weight. And you deserve beautiful things out of life because you are just a generally good person. There should be more Chicks in the world!

Ry said...

congrats! pret-tay!

CPA Mom said...

40 lbs!! YOU ROCK SISTA!! You deserve the jewelry though, not just for that but because you are awesome.

SJINCO said...

Way to go lady! Not only are you kicking ass with the weight loss thing, you are kicking ass with the buying yourself some bling thing.

I love both!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're not looking for those 25 lbs you lost, but if you are, I know where they are. I got them. Of course, knowing what a selfish bitch I am, I probably don't intend to give them back...

Anonymous said...

Wow congrats!!! That is great, and love the jewelery!!!

Being on the weight loss train too, you inspire me!!!

Keep up the great work!!

Stephanie said...

Good for you!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Congrats on the weight loss!!!

And, those earrings? Look like little penises (peni?)!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Congrats on the weight loss!!!

And, those earrings? Look like little penises (peni?)!

Dawn~a~Bon said...

Ohhh! nice bling!

and nice job on the weight loss!

Wenderina said...


You should reward yourself more often, you have fab taste and you deserve it.

Nice work on the healthier you.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh... I like 'em!

I'm despretly trying to get back on the WW bandwagon, and am having a really tough time with it. Any advice??