Sunday, August 31, 2008

That's my boy.

So, Boy and Girl Child went to their first birthday party ever on Saturday and surprisingly enough, the house did not fall down, the sky did not fall, and nothing bad happened.

I know. Crazy.

What did happen was they ate a ton of pizza and cake and ice cream, swam in the pool and played video games and pretty much had the time of their lives.

I went to pick them up and the birthday boy's relative (who he lives with) thanked me for letting them come. She told me how lonely the little boy was in his neighborhood. Most of the people who live there are older, like her. And the kids who live there pick on the little boy and tease him.

He's handicapped.

I heard her say to Jason, "Boy Child has always been such a good friend to Birthday Boy. He's never acted like there is anything wrong with him. Birthday Boy just loves Boy Child."

Boy Child overheard and when we got in the car he said, "What did Birthday Boy's relative say about me?"

I told him that she was just happy because Birthday Boy had such a good friend and it was sad but, unfortunately some other kids picked on Birthday Boy, because of his handicap.

And Boy Child said,

"Birthday Boy is handicapped?"

He had no idea. Because he just doesn't see things like that. When Boy Child looks at Birthday Boy, he sees a friend. Not a handicap.

And he's my kid. This thoughtful, kind little soul is my son.

And I am so grateful.


J said...

Like mother, like child.

It's womderful to hear about such a kind child. Your kids are great, Chick!

Anonymous said...

The world needs more people like your son.

Victoria Dehlbom said...

Congrats on having such a wonderful kid...too bad other kids don't feel the same way. He is going to be quite a man!

Anonymous said...

Great, great kid....

BandK said...

Yay, Boy Child! :-)

Shanilie said...

Awww what wonderful boy. Happy b-day to the both of them.

Tarasview said...

That, my friend, is beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.

Why can't grownups learn more from awesome kids like boy child?

Anonymous said...

Two words.

Learned. Behavior.

AndreAnna said...

I hope my children end up like your children and that's truly one of the most sincere compliments I've ever given.

Sarcasta-Mom said...

Awww, that makes my heart just swell.As someone who works with handicaped individuals everyday, I see just how rare compasion is. Thank you for raising such a wonderful child :)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised I didn't read your obituary today, because how could your heart not explode from pride upon hearing that?

Your kid rocks. You rock. This shows once again what a fantastic mother you are!

Angie said...

And, as the mom of someone with a disability, this is my personal goal for Caroline. . . that people would see HER first.

. . .then that other thing! Ya know?

kristi said...

I agree with Angie 100%.

Sounds like a great boy you have there!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely heart-warming...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh my. I would've had a hard time not crying over that. What a kid.

Stephanie said...

That's awesome. He's a good kid, that one. :)

EE said...

That is the sweetest thing EVER!!! You're doing great, mom!

Mrs. Booms said...

And that has everything to do with how he's been raised.

Good job, Mom!

Anonymous said...

That is so endearing. What a beautiful soul your son has. You must be an awesome mom!

hellokittiemama said...

This kind of stuff just makes me all ooey gooey to read. There really are some good kids out there - its just we usually only hear about the troubling ones. My tables are turned from yours - my son is the one who has been picked on/ostracized/bullied/left out because of his disabilities. Thankfully, he has a few good friends who see him for what he can do and not what he can't. Yay for kids like your son!!!! And pats on your back for being doing a good job as the Mama raising him!

Alpha Dude said...

You are one awesome Mom.
What a fine example to your kids.


Jason too.
(on the Dad part, I don't mean he's a Mom or anything like that)

You guys are the coolest.
