Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Guess what I had proven to me again?

People? Really suck.

The good thing about it, if you want to find a good thing about it, is that I'm growing an incredibly thick skin.

But actually? I don't want to find a good thing about it.

I just want people to stop being huge jerks. That would be cool.


Sarcasta-Mom said...

I've been experiencing a lot of jack-ass-ness from the human race lately, and frankly, I'm about ready to shoot someone......Happy Holidays!

Patience said...

Sorry. People are never, ever stop being huge jerks. Never ever.

You just have to learn how to deal with them!

If you really want to get to 'em?? Say "Oh thank you for being you! I love you!!" That will kill them! Simply KILL THEM!!

Allie said...

Yeah, people suck but at least you have an awesome family that doesn't suck and you know, not all people suck, just most people.

Saphira said...

I know how you feel, it seems that people just get more and more rude and there are more jack asses around than nice people anymore. Let us just keep our heads up and know that we are better than they are because we are NICE to others and can be happy in our own skin!

kristi said...

My siblings suck (except for a couple of the boys) and my Mom sucks. But my hubs and kids, they ROCK.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

When you're famous you can move to Canada. People are nicer here.

Most of the time.


Anonymous said...

yeah. i could agree that canadians are nice. i usually find that people are ungenuinely nice round this time of the year and then wham, christmas and the new year is over and it all ends!

notsosmallfries said...

I'll cut them!

Angie said...

NOOOOOO! Don't move to Canada. :)

SJINCO said...

Awwww! Mean people suck! I hope things are okay!