Friday, December 19, 2008

In my house.

I walk by Boy Child's room and he is on his bed, reading a booklet intently.

Me: Boy Child? Whatcha reading honey?

Boy Child: I'm reading about nocturnal emissions!

Me: Oh. Well then. Carry on.

Jason, from the hall: What are they TEACHING at that school! JESUS!


Anonymous said...

LOL that's too funny!

Angie said...

Jesus, I repeat, Jesus is NOT teaching at that school. :)


the planet of janet said...


although i really think angie's comment is almost funnier.


Anonymous said...

LOL too funny!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!!!! I have tears in my eyes, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. I don't know how I would've been able to keep a straight face.

Anonymous said...

Is that from a pamphlet he got during the Our Changing Bodies (or whatever it was called) presentation?

Teena in Toronto said...

Huh?! Ha!

Jenski said...

I can only imagine how medical the booklet is if it came from school. It'd probably be an entertaining read!