Saturday, February 28, 2009


I had no idea it would be painful to see my book for sale on Amazon, listed as "used".



Anonymous said...

But it will mean that many more people will get to read it (lower price is good for more in this economy) That's a good thing!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That would hurt alright! But with some people, that's just how they roll. My dad is that way. He won't borrow books, he'll only buy them, and then he sells or donates them immediately afterwards. He's got a killer good memory and can never really enjoy reading the same book twice.

But then there's people like me who will keep it for life and read it once a year at least because they loved it so much. It'll all balance out like that. ~hugs~

Roxanne said...

That just means that someone enjoyed it so much that they want to spread the joy. :) By the way, finished it and LOOOOVED IT!!!!! My 11 year old daughter wanted to read it as soon as she saw the cover (she loved the whole snail vs. tape dispenser thing). I told her I'd read it first and make sure it was appropriate for her. Truth is I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into it...heehee!

AppyLove said...

I think mythoughtsonthat is right...I imagine many, many more books will be appearing used on Amazon due to the economy. I just sold a bunch of "already-read" books at Mr. K's, something I NEVER do. (Yours wasn't in there, though.)

Tricia said...

Or you could look at it like this. The person who read it thought it was good enough to make them some money on Amazon!

By the way, my copy is sitting on my bookshelf. It even got a prominent position!

Anonymous said...

Some people let nothing in their house remain--they're like that. My sister in law gets rid of everything.

Also other people are just plain odd.

Today a complete stranger told me I was dumber than a box of rocks because of a very trivial oversight on my part. Seriously, some people have unfortunate personalities and that's their cross to bear.

Pay no attention to anyone who disrupts your peace. You know how many people want to get a book published??? Relish it. love, V

Bethany said...

I think it sucks because you don't get any proceeds from a used sale. But I confess, I love used book stores. I promise to never buy any of YOUR books used though!

Anonymous said...

Hey I think they just wanted to pass on the laughter. Seriously. I mean they read it fast. Its a great book, don't doubt it. They just want to pass it foward onto someone else :)

And my mom reads a book and then gives it away to someone else. She doesn't keep books around she has read and she doesn't read them more than once. Its just how she does.


SJINCO said...

They are just spreading the love, that's all....

KiKi said...

Yup, spreading the love. Look at it as being a "sustainable" book... it's all about being green, man! :)

KrustyLynn said...

Well, heaven knows I'm not selling mine!!! I love mine!! I keep reading little bits to people...just enough so they have to go buy it for themselves! :)

Liz said...

Hmm. It is sad! But...

1. It's better than a return, which just comes out of your profits, anyhoo.

2. It's probably some advance copy that a starving assistant trying to pay a city rent is selling. I never did that, personally, but I do know people who have.