Alas, I have not been able to keep my crush well hidden for my co-worker brought me something that made me squeal like...well, a girl I suppose.

There are three more. For real. I should have taken pictures of them instead of jacking these from someone else off the internet.
Chuck Norris folders? $1.25.
Getting to tell "Chuck Norris" stories all day long? In my world? That's worth folding money.
Having friends who really get you? Priceless.
Way cool!
My blog is Chuck Norris certified.
You Rock.
Heeeeee. Love these!
You crack me up.
Edison developed an affinity for Chuck last year. . . and just about everything Chuck did was noteworthy.
This will only serve to raise your status in my son's eyes. And I *KNOW* that makes your day! ;)
Those. Are. AWESOME!!!!
And Fred Thompson? "Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan!" Love him!
We are totally sisters from another mister. I bought my husband a set of these not too long ago. He uses them to take papers to school for the class he teaches :D
Did you know, Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer. Too bad Chuck Norris has never cried.
I went to college with Chuck's daughter. He is a very nice man...although so very short!
My mother in law also LOVES Chuck Norris. As a joke, my sister in law bought her some folders just like these.
I also found her a Chuck Norris t-shirt at J.C. Penneys.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck norris?
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