Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Marriage: Day 2110

Jason, fresh after the shower after cleaning the gutters on our home:

"I was so dirty that, this time, I didn't just let the water run over my feet and call them clean. I actually washed my feet!"



Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

I hope he washed the other parts, too! :)

Dawn~a~Bon said...

It amazes me that a man with such well-groomed eyebrows would not reguarly wash his feet!

Priscilla said...

Good to know!

I do loves me a dirty man!

mumof3boyz said...

That cracks me up! What a silly man. But I hope that he was just kidding...lol

velocibadgergirl said...


Angie said...

Seriously. He makes me laugh.

Tricia said...

Being that he is male, he probably said that proudly.