Friday, April 17, 2009

Write first, worry later.

My brother gave me this advice.

Write first, worry later.

It's simple, I guess, but in a way kind of profound. Just write. Just fix it. Just get it out.

Worry later.

Tell people who might worry later.

Just get it out.


Patience said...

Your brother is wise.

Angie said...

That's awesome advice. Smart must run in your family.

ZDub said...

True that.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I need to take that advice myself...

Dawn~a~Bon said...

Very smart advice!

Bethany said...

Good advice, Brother.

Unknown said...

I was able to find your book at Barnes and Nobles before they got the big shipment in. I read it in one day. Sadly, I'm afraid you dated everyman in my family. LOL. Thank Goodness you didn't delete that last email. Sounds like he's quite a winner. Can't wait til your next book. Awesome book.