Did you know it comes on like, fourteen times in a weekend? I do now, thanks to TiVo (and much to Jason's dismay).
The guy that hosts it though?
Seriously. Is he on drugs?
I'm being serious when I ask that question.
Okay, because this is him:

And I'm pretty sure that's on purpose y'all.
I'm not even going to talk about how you can see his food when he eats. I won't even mention that part even though it's REALLY DISGUSTING.
God, I have been on Weight Watchers so. long.
I like the concept of the show, but dislike Guy Fee-air-eee so much, that I refuse to watch it.
Gosh, maybe it's cuz I'm pregnant and always hungry but I think he's cute. And I've thought about starting a list of all those dives to visit.
hang in there. WW is tough, but rewarding!
And I'm all about Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. Watching him eat crickets? Takes away any appetite I may have had.
Oh my goodness! I told my husband just this weekend that I was kind of getting into that show! And who eats like that?
oh we love this show! he was just here filming too at Doumar's! LOVE HIM but he eats so much he Must be on drugs to not be fat(er).
That guy did the TGI Fridays commercials, and I didn't know he was some sort of food celebrity, I thought he was just some weird losery freak with bad hair. So in the commercials he's talking about picking up women, and the whole time I'm thinking, if that dork sent me something I would so send it back...
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