Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday morning.

This morning, 6:30am.

Jay: Where were you this morning?
Me: The gym.
Jay: Before 5:30am???
Me: Yes. I left the house at 4:20. I do that all the time.
Jay, apparently stunned: You do?
Me: Yes.
Jay: Huh. Did you say bye to me?
Me: No. You were snoring so loudly that the windows were rattling and I hated to keep you from that.
Jay: I don't snore.
Me: Jason. For the love of God.
Jay: Okay, I snore. But not that bad!
Me: Jason. For the love of God.
Jay: Okay, well. Hmph.

Ten minutes later.

Jay: You're going to write about this on your blog, aren't you?
Me: Yeah, probably.
Jay: But you can't. Everyone will know I'm not perfect.
Me: Don't worry honey. I already told them about your beard brush. They totally know.

Ten minutes after that, as I am driving down the road to go to work and my cell phone rings:

Me: Hello?

Nothing. That's what gets by him.


Patience said...

heh heh heh

ya gotta love 'em!

KrustyLynn said...

Oh, y'all make me so happy. :)

Jo said...

LOL! Seriously! I did!

Anonymous said...

Sharp as a tack, that one!

Denise said...


Anonymous said...

LOL this what I needed to start my day, tooo funny LOL

kristi said...

LOL! My hubs said one day, "You sure talk about yourself a lot on your blog." and I told him. "P-shaw..I talk about you a lot too." He doesn't know most of it is how he drives me nutso.

Anonymous said...

LOL hilarious.

Stephanie said...

I just love your humor. So cute!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Dude. That man is on the friggin' ball!

At least it's a beard brush and not a bush brush. Geez...

Darci said...


Shaun, Jessa, Caleb & Lorelei said...

Love him. How could one not love a guy like that? LOL

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I LOVE that he called ten minutes later. Brilliant!

He's a keeper, all right.

Darci said...

You are great.

Angie said...

I distinctly remember teasing him at the symphony about his expertly combed beard. Hmmm. Guess he forgot.

Roxanne said...

I will never not laugh at the beard brush. Hahahahahahaha! And HA!

Lala's world said...

my hubby used to ask me that same thing...are you going to blog about this?...now he just knows I totally do!
although my blog has been way more whinnier lately!

Captain Steve said...

Ahhh hahaha. I'd forgotten about the beard brush. Still awesome.

Tricia said...

Don't they know everything is fair game? Especially things like beard brushes?!

Maui Mamma said...

ha ha the beard brush. Now if you could get your hubby to convience my hubby that he talks to me in his freekin' HEAD and that I have yet to earn my mindreading skills. I would be set. Cause he thinks he told me 3 times he didn't need a lunch today. Ya SO NOT

velocibadgergirl said...

You two make my heart happy.