Sunday, July 12, 2009

The one.

Not long ago I was emailing someone dear to me about "the one".

The right one. The only one.

We were talking about what if's? What if this person is the right one and he's slipping away? What if I've already found the right person? What if neither one of them is the right one? And isn't it logical that the person who is most like you, and likes the same things as you, would be the right one?

The right one for me was twenty-three when I met him. Terrified of the small people attached to my hips (yes, one on each). Terrified of relationships. Terrified of love. Terrified, dare I say it? Of me.

The right one for me is thirty-three now. Not terrified by the small people who live in our house. Befuddled by them, often. But no longer terrified.

In love.
Not afraid of the future.
Not afraid of me.

Not like me in a lot of ways. The right one for me is a Republican who hates Mexican food and rarely reads. Who watches television news and the weather when I can't stand either.

The right one for me is a lot stronger in his faith than I am in mine. Who makes decisions swiftly and rarely regrets anything. Who, really, honestly didn't realize that not everyone makes up songs and inserts their own names in them to make them more interesting.

Who is not perfect. He frustrates and destracts me to no end sometimes. Who never laughs hard enough at my hilarity. Who is painfully human sometimes.

Who thinks, for God knows what reason? That I'm exactly right for him.

Six years ago, today, I married the right one for me.

I had no idea, none at all, that I would love him more today than I did on that day.

But I do.

Because he's the right one.


Unknown said...

I love the pic of you & Jason that you've posted :) Happy anniversary, and many many more!

Ron said...

Happy Anniversary!! I wish many more to come for you both!

Shaun, Jessa, Caleb & Lorelei said...

Happy Anniversary!

queenrandom said...

Happy Anniversary, Chick!

Anonymous said...

Just really nice....

Mikey said...

Happy Anniversary!! He's a keeper!

Moxie said...

Happy anniversary!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! And may you have many, many more.

Stephanie said...

This was such a sweet post. Happy anniversary!!!
I get to marry my "One", in just under three weeks. I'm so lucky.

Devon said...

This made me smile! :) Have a great anniversary!

ParkerMama said...

Doesn't knowing that he is truly the right one simply make your heart sing?

Happy Anniversary!

Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter

Crystal said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you found the right one for you.

edbteach said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you found "the one"!

the planet of janet said...

awesome. happy anniversary!

SJINCO said...

Happy Anniversary dear!

Nicole said...

Happy anniversary, Stephanie. Beautiful pic. I'm so glad you found the one.

Anonymous said...

Y'all make such a cute couple. Happy Anniversary!!!! Im so happy you found your one, and you give me hope I'll some day find my one!

Eva said...

Oh heck I'm sniffling now. Beautiful.

Jo said...

I'm sniffling too. Being with the one just makes me all squishy sometimes.

Boriqua said...

Great post. Happy anniversary to you both. :)

The Sports Mama said...

I'm new to your blog, and not quite sure how I found you. But I've been lurking for a little while now. :)

This was beautiful! I hope you both had a spectacular anniversary!

Unknown said...

Somtimes you never know what life itself has in store for you. I hope things continue to go well with you and yours.

Pamela S said...

Awww....happy anniversary. This post actually made me tear up. Sounds like a great guy!


Carol EL said...

Happy Anniversary, I hope you have that love far into the future.