Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just call me Dirty Mae Fabulous. Or something.

Today? I rocked.

Mostly I most decidedly DO NOT rock, so the fact that I did today? Sweet.

And today was huge. It was important. I'm huge every day, but today I was also important.

I was in a room of Important People. My knees shook so hard they nearly knocked together. But? I spoke clearly. I did not whisper. I did not hesitate. I was concise. I was accurate. I did well.

Do I know exactly what I'm doing all the time? No. But today I faked it like a porn star.


Gah! My one good moment this week and I can't even blog about it. It just figures.

But seriously. You'll have to take my word for it. I rocked.


CPA Mom said...

can you email me? Because I know you are fabulous already but I'd love to hear more...

Allie said...

That's awesome, yay for you! But I hate to break it to you Chick, we already knew that you rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay you!!

Wenderina said...

What the freak else is new Chick? You rock so much I put your name on the bloggies awards site - like 5 times. (For you fellow fans of Chick and her blog Voting open until Friday!!!)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Way to go, rock star!

Angie said...

I so knew it. . .me and my "chocolate-amber-smelling" self knew it all along.

That's right. . .I visited ye olde Turkey Creek today. . .and hit the Bath & Body Works for some yummy delicious Chocolate Amber body wash, spray, and lotion.


Lizarita said...

Dirty Mae? You ALWAYS rock! Way to go on realizing it. xo

Anonymous said...

Of course you did! Was there really a question about this? You so rock... all the time!

Anyone who thinks otherwise should be subject to an audit. :)

frannie said...

you rock my socks everyday!!!

AnnieM said...

You ALWAYS rock!

Anonymous said...

I am with Stephanie and Allie! You rock all the time! Keep it up!

Alpha Dude said...

Yay, Chick! Nice job.

You deserve some chocolate!

Edie said...

Way to go!!

Randi said...

Yea for you! Maybe this'll help pull you out of that funk.
You totally rock!

Unknown said...

Uh yes you rock. That's why we're all here - we wouldn't be reading if you didn't rock!

Glad to hear you had a good day!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I don't need details. Knowing you rocked and that you're feeling fabulous about it makes me happy. Yay!

Anonymous said...

More power to you, Chick! Way to do good.

BS said...

Details don't matter (I have a secretive job also)- what matters is that you got up there and were confident in yourself. AND YOU ROCKED like a porn star !!

Dreamer said...

Go Chick! That's awesome! :) Glad you rocked. :) And btw- no you aren't a day behind, LOL, I'm a day early.....

Robyn said...

You go girl! (i cheesy was that?!) But that is awesome that you feel so good about something you did!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad this was a better (and rockin!) day for you, Chick:).

Your wish is my command; I posted. Just for you:):).

Bunny said...

You DO ROCK, Sister!

Fine For Now said...

Congratulations on your public speaking! I hate it, it is soo scary! Go chick :o)

SJINCO said...

Yay! You finally admitted something all of us readers already knew! You rock!

Dawn~a~Bon said...

I TOLD you that you were ridiculous kewl!

Good job!

Amy W said...

You do ROCK! Good JOB!

Mrs. Booms said...

Fake it 'til you make it. And sounds like you made it, baby girl...

I think you always rock but so do at least 27 other people apparently. I'm always late in the game.

Anonymous said...

We don't have to take your word for it--we already knew you rocked!!

Anonymous said...

I won't even try to pretend that I'm surprised, because I'm so the opposite of surprised, because I think that you rock every single day.

Please don't get a restraining order against me, I swear I haven't started collecting your hair clippings or anything.

Anonymous said...

Just reading this post has caused your fabulousness to rub off on me.

Now I feel fabulous. You rock chick.

You packed yet?

my4kids said...

We all know you rock anyway so it doesn't surprise me!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

You rock my shit everyday.

Ok, maybe not everyday, since, clearly, I am slow and do not read everyday, but, like every few days and then I ramble in the comments and shit like this.

You pickin up what I'm puttin down?